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Inherits: RefCounted < Object

Allows reading the content of a ZIP file.


This class implements a reader that can extract the content of individual files inside a ZIP archive. See also ZIPPacker.

# Read a single file from a ZIP archive.
func read_zip_file():
    var reader = ZIPReader.new()
    var err = reader.open("user://archive.zip")
    if err != OK:
        return PackedByteArray()
    var res = reader.read_file("hello.txt")
    return res

# Extract all files from a ZIP archive, preserving the directories within.
# This acts like the "Extract all" functionality from most archive managers.
func extract_all_from_zip():
    var reader = ZIPReader.new()

    # Destination directory for the extracted files (this folder must exist before extraction).
    # Not all ZIP archives put everything in a single root folder,
    # which means several files/folders may be created in `root_dir` after extraction.
    var root_dir = DirAccess.open("user://")

    var files = reader.get_files()
    for file_path in files:
        # If the current entry is a directory.
        if file_path.ends_with("/"):

        # Write file contents, creating folders automatically when needed.
        # Not all ZIP archives are strictly ordered, so we need to do this in case
        # the file entry comes before the folder entry.
        var file = FileAccess.open(root_dir.get_current_dir().path_join(file_path), FileAccess.WRITE)
        var buffer = reader.read_file(file_path)





file_exists(path: String, case_sensitive: bool = true)




open(path: String)


read_file(path: String, case_sensitive: bool = true)

Method DescriptionsΒΆ

Error close() πŸ”—

Closes the underlying resources used by this instance.

bool file_exists(path: String, case_sensitive: bool = true) πŸ”—

Returns true if the file exists in the loaded zip archive.

Must be called after open.

PackedStringArray get_files() πŸ”—

Returns the list of names of all files in the loaded archive.

Must be called after open.

Error open(path: String) πŸ”—

Opens the zip archive at the given path and reads its file index.

PackedByteArray read_file(path: String, case_sensitive: bool = true) πŸ”—

Loads the whole content of a file in the loaded zip archive into memory and returns it.

Must be called after open.