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This page is up to date for Godot 4.3
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Experimental: This class may be changed or removed in future versions.
Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object
An editor for graph-like structures, using GraphNodes.
GraphEdit provides tools for creation, manipulation, and display of various graphs. Its main purpose in the engine is to power the visual programming systems, such as visual shaders, but it is also available for use in user projects.
GraphEdit by itself is only an empty container, representing an infinite grid where GraphNodes can be placed. Each GraphNode represents a node in the graph, a single unit of data in the connected scheme. GraphEdit, in turn, helps to control various interactions with nodes and between nodes. When the user attempts to connect, disconnect, or delete a GraphNode, a signal is emitted in the GraphEdit, but no action is taken by default. It is the responsibility of the programmer utilizing this control to implement the necessary logic to determine how each request should be handled.
Performance: It is greatly advised to enable low-processor usage mode (see OS.low_processor_usage_mode) when using GraphEdits.
Note: Keep in mind that Node.get_children will also return the connection layer node named _connection_layer
due to technical limitations. This behavior may change in future releases.
clip_contents |
focus_mode |
_get_connection_line(from_position: Vector2, to_position: Vector2) virtual const |
_is_in_input_hotzone(in_node: Object, in_port: int, mouse_position: Vector2) virtual |
_is_in_output_hotzone(in_node: Object, in_port: int, mouse_position: Vector2) virtual |
_is_node_hover_valid(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) virtual |
void |
add_valid_connection_type(from_type: int, to_type: int) |
void |
void |
void |
void |
attach_graph_element_to_frame(element: StringName, frame: StringName) |
void |
connect_node(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) |
void |
detach_graph_element_from_frame(element: StringName) |
void |
disconnect_node(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) |
void |
get_closest_connection_at_point(point: Vector2, max_distance: float = 4.0) const |
get_connection_count(from_node: StringName, from_port: int) |
get_connection_line(from_node: Vector2, to_node: Vector2) const |
get_connection_list() const |
get_connections_intersecting_with_rect(rect: Rect2) const |
get_element_frame(element: StringName) |
is_node_connected(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) |
is_valid_connection_type(from_type: int, to_type: int) const |
void |
remove_valid_connection_type(from_type: int, to_type: int) |
void |
void |
void |
set_connection_activity(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int, amount: float) |
void |
set_selected(node: Node) |
Theme PropertiesΒΆ
begin_node_move() π
Emitted at the beginning of a GraphElement's movement.
connection_drag_ended() π
Emitted at the end of a connection drag.
connection_drag_started(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, is_output: bool) π
Emitted at the beginning of a connection drag.
connection_from_empty(to_node: StringName, to_port: int, release_position: Vector2) π
Emitted when user drags a connection from an input port into the empty space of the graph.
connection_request(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) π
Emitted to the GraphEdit when the connection between the from_port
of the from_node
GraphNode and the to_port
of the to_node
GraphNode is attempted to be created.
connection_to_empty(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, release_position: Vector2) π
Emitted when user drags a connection from an output port into the empty space of the graph.
copy_nodes_request() π
Emitted when this GraphEdit captures a ui_copy
action (Ctrl + C by default). In general, this signal indicates that the selected GraphElements should be copied.
cut_nodes_request() π
Emitted when this GraphEdit captures a ui_cut
action (Ctrl + X by default). In general, this signal indicates that the selected GraphElements should be cut.
delete_nodes_request(nodes: Array[StringName]) π
Emitted when this GraphEdit captures a ui_graph_delete
action (Delete by default).
is an array of node names that should be removed. These usually include all selected nodes.
disconnection_request(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) π
Emitted to the GraphEdit when the connection between from_port
of from_node
GraphNode and to_port
of to_node
GraphNode is attempted to be removed.
duplicate_nodes_request() π
Emitted when this GraphEdit captures a ui_graph_duplicate
action (Ctrl + D by default). In general, this signal indicates that the selected GraphElements should be duplicated.
end_node_move() π
Emitted at the end of a GraphElement's movement.
frame_rect_changed(frame: GraphFrame, new_rect: Vector2) π
Emitted when the GraphFrame frame
is resized to new_rect
graph_elements_linked_to_frame_request(elements: Array, frame: StringName) π
Emitted when one or more GraphElements are dropped onto the GraphFrame named frame
, when they were not previously attached to any other one.
is an array of GraphElements to be attached.
node_deselected(node: Node) π
Emitted when the given GraphElement node is deselected.
node_selected(node: Node) π
Emitted when the given GraphElement node is selected.
paste_nodes_request() π
Emitted when this GraphEdit captures a ui_paste
action (Ctrl + V by default). In general, this signal indicates that previously copied GraphElements should be pasted.
popup_request(at_position: Vector2) π
Emitted when a popup is requested. Happens on right-clicking in the GraphEdit. at_position
is the position of the mouse pointer when the signal is sent.
scroll_offset_changed(offset: Vector2) π
Emitted when the scroll offset is changed by the user. It will not be emitted when changed in code.
enum PanningScheme: π
PanningScheme SCROLL_ZOOMS = 0
Mouse Wheel will zoom, Ctrl + Mouse Wheel will move the view.
PanningScheme SCROLL_PANS = 1
Mouse Wheel will move the view, Ctrl + Mouse Wheel will zoom.
enum GridPattern: π
Draw the grid using solid lines.
Draw the grid using dots.
Property DescriptionsΒΆ
bool connection_lines_antialiased = true
If true
, the lines between nodes will use antialiasing.
float connection_lines_curvature = 0.5
The curvature of the lines between the nodes. 0 results in straight lines.
float connection_lines_thickness = 4.0
The thickness of the lines between the nodes.
GridPattern grid_pattern = 0
void set_grid_pattern(value: GridPattern)
GridPattern get_grid_pattern()
The pattern used for drawing the grid.
bool minimap_enabled = true
If true
, the minimap is visible.
float minimap_opacity = 0.65
The opacity of the minimap rectangle.
Vector2 minimap_size = Vector2(240, 160)
The size of the minimap rectangle. The map itself is based on the size of the grid area and is scaled to fit this rectangle.
PanningScheme panning_scheme = 0
void set_panning_scheme(value: PanningScheme)
PanningScheme get_panning_scheme()
Defines the control scheme for panning with mouse wheel.
bool right_disconnects = false
If true
, enables disconnection of existing connections in the GraphEdit by dragging the right end.
Vector2 scroll_offset = Vector2(0, 0)
The scroll offset.
bool show_arrange_button = true
If true
, the button to automatically arrange graph nodes is visible.
If true
, the grid is visible.
bool show_grid_buttons = true
If true
, buttons that allow to configure grid and snapping options are visible.
If true
, the menu toolbar is visible.
bool show_minimap_button = true
If true
, the button to toggle the minimap is visible.
bool show_zoom_buttons = true
If true
, buttons that allow to change and reset the zoom level are visible.
bool show_zoom_label = false
If true
, the label with the current zoom level is visible. The zoom level is displayed in percents.
int snapping_distance = 20
The snapping distance in pixels, also determines the grid line distance.
bool snapping_enabled = true
If true
, enables snapping.
The current zoom value.
The upper zoom limit.
float zoom_min = 0.232568
The lower zoom limit.
The step of each zoom level.
Method DescriptionsΒΆ
PackedVector2Array _get_connection_line(from_position: Vector2, to_position: Vector2) virtual const π
Virtual method which can be overridden to customize how connections are drawn.
bool _is_in_input_hotzone(in_node: Object, in_port: int, mouse_position: Vector2) virtual π
Returns whether the mouse_position
is in the input hot zone.
By default, a hot zone is a Rect2 positioned such that its center is at in_node
) (For output's case, call GraphNode.get_output_port_position instead). The hot zone's width is twice the Theme Property port_grab_distance_horizontal
, and its height is twice the port_grab_distance_vertical
Below is a sample code to help get started:
func _is_in_input_hotzone(in_node, in_port, mouse_position):
var port_size = Vector2(get_theme_constant("port_grab_distance_horizontal"), get_theme_constant("port_grab_distance_vertical"))
var port_pos = in_node.get_position() + in_node.get_input_port_position(in_port) - port_size / 2
var rect = Rect2(port_pos, port_size)
return rect.has_point(mouse_position)
bool _is_in_output_hotzone(in_node: Object, in_port: int, mouse_position: Vector2) virtual π
Returns whether the mouse_position
is in the output hot zone. For more information on hot zones, see _is_in_input_hotzone.
Below is a sample code to help get started:
func _is_in_output_hotzone(in_node, in_port, mouse_position):
var port_size = Vector2(get_theme_constant("port_grab_distance_horizontal"), get_theme_constant("port_grab_distance_vertical"))
var port_pos = in_node.get_position() + in_node.get_output_port_position(in_port) - port_size / 2
var rect = Rect2(port_pos, port_size)
return rect.has_point(mouse_position)
bool _is_node_hover_valid(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) virtual π
This virtual method can be used to insert additional error detection while the user is dragging a connection over a valid port.
Return true
if the connection is indeed valid or return false
if the connection is impossible. If the connection is impossible, no snapping to the port and thus no connection request to that port will happen.
In this example a connection to same node is suppressed:
func _is_node_hover_valid(from, from_port, to, to_port):
return from != to
public override bool _IsNodeHoverValid(StringName fromNode, int fromPort, StringName toNode, int toPort)
return fromNode != toNode;
void add_valid_connection_type(from_type: int, to_type: int) π
Allows the connection between two different port types. The port type is defined individually for the left and the right port of each slot with the GraphNode.set_slot method.
See also is_valid_connection_type and remove_valid_connection_type.
void add_valid_left_disconnect_type(type: int) π
Allows to disconnect nodes when dragging from the left port of the GraphNode's slot if it has the specified type. See also remove_valid_left_disconnect_type.
void add_valid_right_disconnect_type(type: int) π
Allows to disconnect nodes when dragging from the right port of the GraphNode's slot if it has the specified type. See also remove_valid_right_disconnect_type.
void arrange_nodes() π
Rearranges selected nodes in a layout with minimum crossings between connections and uniform horizontal and vertical gap between nodes.
void attach_graph_element_to_frame(element: StringName, frame: StringName) π
Attaches the element
GraphElement to the frame
void clear_connections() π
Removes all connections between nodes.
Error connect_node(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) π
Create a connection between the from_port
of the from_node
GraphNode and the to_port
of the to_node
GraphNode. If the connection already exists, no connection is created.
void detach_graph_element_from_frame(element: StringName) π
Detaches the element
GraphElement from the GraphFrame it is currently attached to.
void disconnect_node(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) π
Removes the connection between the from_port
of the from_node
GraphNode and the to_port
of the to_node
GraphNode. If the connection does not exist, no connection is removed.
void force_connection_drag_end() π
Ends the creation of the current connection. In other words, if you are dragging a connection you can use this method to abort the process and remove the line that followed your cursor.
This is best used together with connection_drag_started and connection_drag_ended to add custom behavior like node addition through shortcuts.
Note: This method suppresses any other connection request signals apart from connection_drag_ended.
Array[StringName] get_attached_nodes_of_frame(frame: StringName) π
Returns an array of node names that are attached to the GraphFrame with the given name.
Dictionary get_closest_connection_at_point(point: Vector2, max_distance: float = 4.0) const π
Returns the closest connection to the given point in screen space. If no connection is found within max_distance
pixels, an empty Dictionary is returned.
A connection consists in a structure of the form { from_port: 0, from_node: "GraphNode name 0", to_port: 1, to_node: "GraphNode name 1" }
For example, getting a connection at a given mouse position can be achieved like this:
var connection = get_closest_connection_at_point(mouse_event.get_position())
int get_connection_count(from_node: StringName, from_port: int) π
Returns the number of connections from from_port
of from_node
PackedVector2Array get_connection_line(from_node: Vector2, to_node: Vector2) const π
Returns the points which would make up a connection between from_node
and to_node
Array[Dictionary] get_connection_list() const π
Returns an Array containing the list of connections. A connection consists in a structure of the form { from_port: 0, from_node: "GraphNode name 0", to_port: 1, to_node: "GraphNode name 1" }
Array[Dictionary] get_connections_intersecting_with_rect(rect: Rect2) const π
Returns an Array containing the list of connections that intersect with the given Rect2. A connection consists in a structure of the form { from_port: 0, from_node: "GraphNode name 0", to_port: 1, to_node: "GraphNode name 1" }
GraphFrame get_element_frame(element: StringName) π
Returns the GraphFrame that contains the GraphElement with the given name.
Gets the HBoxContainer that contains the zooming and grid snap controls in the top left of the graph. You can use this method to reposition the toolbar or to add your own custom controls to it.
Warning: This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash. If you wish to hide it or any of its children, use their CanvasItem.visible property.
bool is_node_connected(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int) π
Returns true
if the from_port
of the from_node
GraphNode is connected to the to_port
of the to_node
bool is_valid_connection_type(from_type: int, to_type: int) const π
Returns whether it's possible to make a connection between two different port types. The port type is defined individually for the left and the right port of each slot with the GraphNode.set_slot method.
See also add_valid_connection_type and remove_valid_connection_type.
void remove_valid_connection_type(from_type: int, to_type: int) π
Disallows the connection between two different port types previously allowed by add_valid_connection_type. The port type is defined individually for the left and the right port of each slot with the GraphNode.set_slot method.
See also is_valid_connection_type.
void remove_valid_left_disconnect_type(type: int) π
Disallows to disconnect nodes when dragging from the left port of the GraphNode's slot if it has the specified type. Use this to disable disconnection previously allowed with add_valid_left_disconnect_type.
void remove_valid_right_disconnect_type(type: int) π
Disallows to disconnect nodes when dragging from the right port of the GraphNode's slot if it has the specified type. Use this to disable disconnection previously allowed with add_valid_right_disconnect_type.
void set_connection_activity(from_node: StringName, from_port: int, to_node: StringName, to_port: int, amount: float) π
Sets the coloration of the connection between from_node
's from_port
and to_node
's to_port
with the color provided in the activity theme property. The color is linearly interpolated between the connection color and the activity color using amount
as weight.
void set_selected(node: Node) π
Sets the specified node
as the one selected.
Theme Property DescriptionsΒΆ
Color activity = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
Color the connection line is interpolated to based on the activity value of a connection (see set_connection_activity).
Color connection_hover_tint_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
Color which is blended with the connection line when the mouse is hovering over it.
Color connection_rim_color = Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1)
Color of the rim around each connection line used for making intersecting lines more distinguishable.
Color connection_valid_target_tint_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4)
Color which is blended with the connection line when the currently dragged connection is hovering over a valid target port.
Color grid_major = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.2)
Color of major grid lines/dots.
Color grid_minor = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.05)
Color of minor grid lines/dots.
Color selection_fill = Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 0.4)
The fill color of the selection rectangle.
Color selection_stroke = Color(0.226, 0.478, 0.921, 1)
The outline color of the selection rectangle.
int port_hotzone_inner_extent = 22
The horizontal range within which a port can be grabbed (inner side).
int port_hotzone_outer_extent = 26
The horizontal range within which a port can be grabbed (outer side).
The icon for the grid toggle button.
The icon for the layout button for auto-arranging the graph.
The icon for the minimap toggle button.
Texture2D snapping_toggle π
The icon for the snapping toggle button.
The icon for the zoom in button.
The icon for the zoom out button.
The icon for the zoom reset button.
There is currently no description for this theme property. Please help us by contributing one!
The background drawn under the grid.