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Inherits: ResourceImporter < RefCounted < Object

Imports a glTF, FBX, Collada or Blender 3D scene.


See also ResourceImporterOBJ, which is used for OBJ models that can be imported as an independent Mesh or a scene.

Additional options (such as extracting individual meshes or materials to files) are available in the Advanced Import Settings dialog. This dialog can be accessed by double-clicking a 3D scene in the FileSystem dock or by selecting a 3D scene in the FileSystem dock, going to the Import dock and choosing Advanced.

Note: ResourceImporterScene is not used for PackedScenes, such as .tscn and .scn files.




























































Property Descriptions

Dictionary _subresources = {} 🔗

Contains properties for the scene's subresources. This is an internal option which is not visible in the Import dock.

float animation/fps = 30 🔗

The number of frames per second to use for baking animation curves to a series of points with linear interpolation. It's recommended to configure this value to match the value you're using as a baseline in your 3D modeling software. Higher values result in more precise animation with fast movement changes, at the cost of higher file sizes and memory usage. Thanks to interpolation, there is usually not much benefit in going above 30 FPS (as the animation will still appear smooth at higher rendering framerates).

bool animation/import = true 🔗

If true, import animations from the 3D scene.

bool animation/import_rest_as_RESET = false 🔗

If true, adds an Animation named RESET, containing the Skeleton3D.get_bone_rest from Skeleton3D nodes. This can be useful to extract an animation in the reference pose.

bool animation/remove_immutable_tracks = true 🔗

If true, remove animation tracks that only contain default values. This can reduce output file size and memory usage with certain 3D scenes, depending on the contents of their animation tracks.

bool animation/trimming = false 🔗

If true, trim the beginning and end of animations if there are no keyframe changes. This can reduce output file size and memory usage with certain 3D scenes, depending on the contents of their animation tracks.

String import_script/path = "" 🔗

Path to an import script, which can run code after the import process has completed for custom processing. See Using import scripts for automation for more information.

bool meshes/create_shadow_meshes = true 🔗

If true, enables the generation of shadow meshes on import. This optimizes shadow rendering without reducing quality by welding vertices together when possible. This in turn reduces the memory bandwidth required to render shadows. Shadow mesh generation currently doesn't support using a lower detail level than the source mesh (but shadow rendering will make use of LODs when relevant).

bool meshes/ensure_tangents = true 🔗

If true, generate vertex tangents using Mikktspace if the input meshes don't have tangent data. When possible, it's recommended to let the 3D modeling software generate tangents on export instead on relying on this option. Tangents are required for correct display of normal and height maps, along with any material/shader features that require tangents.

If you don't need material features that require tangents, disabling this can reduce output file size and speed up importing if the source 3D file doesn't contain tangents.

bool meshes/force_disable_compression = false 🔗

If true, mesh compression will not be used. Consider enabling if you notice blocky artifacts in your mesh normals or UVs, or if you have meshes that are larger than a few thousand meters in each direction.

bool meshes/generate_lods = true 🔗

If true, generates lower detail variants of the mesh which will be displayed in the distance to improve rendering performance. Not all meshes benefit from LOD, especially if they are never rendered from far away. Disabling this can reduce output file size and speed up importing. See Mesh level of detail (LOD) for more information.

int meshes/light_baking = 1 🔗

Configures the meshes' GeometryInstance3D.gi_mode in the 3D scene. If set to Static Lightmaps, sets the meshes' GI mode to Static and generates UV2 on import for LightmapGI baking.

float meshes/lightmap_texel_size = 0.2 🔗

Controls the size of each texel on the baked lightmap. A smaller value results in more precise lightmaps, at the cost of larger lightmap sizes and longer bake times.

Note: Only effective if meshes/light_baking is set to Static Lightmaps.

bool nodes/apply_root_scale = true 🔗

If true, nodes/root_scale will be applied to the descendant nodes, meshes, animations, bones, etc. This means that if you add a child node later on within the imported scene, it won't be scaled. If false, nodes/root_scale will multiply the scale of the root node instead.

bool nodes/import_as_skeleton_bones = false 🔗

Treat all nodes in the imported scene as if they are bones within a single Skeleton3D. Can be used to guarantee that imported animations target skeleton bones rather than nodes. May also be used to assign the "Root" bone in a BoneMap. See Retargeting 3D Skeletons for more information.

String nodes/root_name = "" 🔗

Override for the root node name. If empty, the root node will use what the scene specifies, or the file name if the scene does not specify a root name.

float nodes/root_scale = 1.0 🔗

The uniform scale to use for the scene root. The default value of 1.0 will not perform any rescaling. See nodes/apply_root_scale for details of how this scale is applied.

String nodes/root_type = "" 🔗

Override for the root node type. If empty, the root node will use what the scene specifies, or Node3D if the scene does not specify a root type. Using a node type that inherits from Node3D is recommended. Otherwise, you'll lose the ability to position the node directly in the 3D editor.

bool skins/use_named_skins = true 🔗

If checked, use named Skins for animation. The MeshInstance3D node contains 3 properties of relevance here: a skeleton NodePath pointing to the Skeleton3D node (usually ..), a mesh, and a skin:

  • The Skeleton3D node contains a list of bones with names, their pose and rest, a name and a parent bone.

  • The mesh is all of the raw vertex data needed to display a mesh. In terms of the mesh, it knows how vertices are weight-painted and uses some internal numbering often imported from 3D modeling software.

  • The skin contains the information necessary to bind this mesh onto this Skeleton3D. For every one of the internal bone IDs chosen by the 3D modeling software, it contains two things. Firstly, a matrix known as the Bind Pose Matrix, Inverse Bind Matrix, or IBM for short. Secondly, the Skin contains each bone's name (if skins/use_named_skins is true), or the bone's index within the Skeleton3D list (if skins/use_named_skins is false).

Together, this information is enough to tell Godot how to use the bone poses in the Skeleton3D node to render the mesh from each MeshInstance3D. Note that each MeshInstance3D may share binds, as is common in models exported from Blender, or each MeshInstance3D may use a separate Skin object, as is common in models exported from other tools such as Maya.