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Inherits: RefCounted < Object

Helper class to handle INI-style files.


This helper class can be used to store Variant values on the filesystem using INI-style formatting. The stored values are identified by a section and a key:

string_example="Hello World3D!"
a_vector=Vector3(1, 0, 2)

The stored data can be saved to or parsed from a file, though ConfigFile objects can also be used directly without accessing the filesystem.

The following example shows how to create a simple ConfigFile and save it on disc:

# Create new ConfigFile object.
var config = ConfigFile.new()

# Store some values.
config.set_value("Player1", "player_name", "Steve")
config.set_value("Player1", "best_score", 10)
config.set_value("Player2", "player_name", "V3geta")
config.set_value("Player2", "best_score", 9001)

# Save it to a file (overwrite if already exists).

This example shows how the above file could be loaded:

var score_data = {}
var config = ConfigFile.new()

# Load data from a file.
var err = config.load("user://scores.cfg")

# If the file didn't load, ignore it.
if err != OK:

# Iterate over all sections.
for player in config.get_sections():
    # Fetch the data for each section.
    var player_name = config.get_value(player, "player_name")
    var player_score = config.get_value(player, "best_score")
    score_data[player_name] = player_score

Any operation that mutates the ConfigFile such as set_value, clear, or erase_section, only changes what is loaded in memory. If you want to write the change to a file, you have to save the changes with save, save_encrypted, or save_encrypted_pass.

Keep in mind that section and property names can't contain spaces. Anything after a space will be ignored on save and on load.

ConfigFiles can also contain manually written comment lines starting with a semicolon (;). Those lines will be ignored when parsing the file. Note that comments will be lost when saving the ConfigFile. This can still be useful for dedicated server configuration files, which are typically never overwritten without explicit user action.

Note: The file extension given to a ConfigFile does not have any impact on its formatting or behavior. By convention, the .cfg extension is used here, but any other extension such as .ini is also valid. Since neither .cfg nor .ini are standardized, Godot's ConfigFile formatting may differ from files written by other programs.





encode_to_text() const


erase_section(section: String)


erase_section_key(section: String, key: String)


get_section_keys(section: String) const


get_sections() const


get_value(section: String, key: String, default: Variant = null) const


has_section(section: String) const


has_section_key(section: String, key: String) const


load(path: String)


load_encrypted(path: String, key: PackedByteArray)


load_encrypted_pass(path: String, password: String)


parse(data: String)


save(path: String)


save_encrypted(path: String, key: PackedByteArray)


save_encrypted_pass(path: String, password: String)


set_value(section: String, key: String, value: Variant)

Method DescriptionsΒΆ

void clear() πŸ”—

Removes the entire contents of the config.

String encode_to_text() const πŸ”—

Obtain the text version of this config file (the same text that would be written to a file).

void erase_section(section: String) πŸ”—

Deletes the specified section along with all the key-value pairs inside. Raises an error if the section does not exist.

void erase_section_key(section: String, key: String) πŸ”—

Deletes the specified key in a section. Raises an error if either the section or the key do not exist.

PackedStringArray get_section_keys(section: String) const πŸ”—

Returns an array of all defined key identifiers in the specified section. Raises an error and returns an empty array if the section does not exist.

PackedStringArray get_sections() const πŸ”—

Returns an array of all defined section identifiers.

Variant get_value(section: String, key: String, default: Variant = null) const πŸ”—

Returns the current value for the specified section and key. If either the section or the key do not exist, the method returns the fallback default value. If default is not specified or set to null, an error is also raised.

bool has_section(section: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the specified section exists.

bool has_section_key(section: String, key: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the specified section-key pair exists.

Error load(path: String) πŸ”—

Loads the config file specified as a parameter. The file's contents are parsed and loaded in the ConfigFile object which the method was called on.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Error load_encrypted(path: String, key: PackedByteArray) πŸ”—

Loads the encrypted config file specified as a parameter, using the provided key to decrypt it. The file's contents are parsed and loaded in the ConfigFile object which the method was called on.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Error load_encrypted_pass(path: String, password: String) πŸ”—

Loads the encrypted config file specified as a parameter, using the provided password to decrypt it. The file's contents are parsed and loaded in the ConfigFile object which the method was called on.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Error parse(data: String) πŸ”—

Parses the passed string as the contents of a config file. The string is parsed and loaded in the ConfigFile object which the method was called on.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Error save(path: String) πŸ”—

Saves the contents of the ConfigFile object to the file specified as a parameter. The output file uses an INI-style structure.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Error save_encrypted(path: String, key: PackedByteArray) πŸ”—

Saves the contents of the ConfigFile object to the AES-256 encrypted file specified as a parameter, using the provided key to encrypt it. The output file uses an INI-style structure.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

Error save_encrypted_pass(path: String, password: String) πŸ”—

Saves the contents of the ConfigFile object to the AES-256 encrypted file specified as a parameter, using the provided password to encrypt it. The output file uses an INI-style structure.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, or one of the other Error values if the operation failed.

void set_value(section: String, key: String, value: Variant) πŸ”—

Assigns a value to the specified key of the specified section. If either the section or the key do not exist, they are created. Passing a null value deletes the specified key if it exists, and deletes the section if it ends up empty once the key has been removed.