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A built-in type for strings.


This is the built-in string Variant type (and the one used by GDScript). Strings may contain any number of Unicode characters, and expose methods useful for manipulating and generating strings. Strings are reference-counted and use a copy-on-write approach (every modification to a string returns a new String), so passing them around is cheap in resources.

Some string methods have corresponding variations. Variations suffixed with n (countn, findn, replacen, etc.) are case-insensitive (they make no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters). Method variations prefixed with r (rfind, rsplit, etc.) are reversed, and start from the end of the string, instead of the beginning.

Note: In a boolean context, a string will evaluate to false if it is empty (""). Otherwise, a string will always evaluate to true. The not operator cannot be used. Instead, is_empty should be used to check for empty strings.


There are notable differences when using this API with C#. See C# API differences to GDScript for more information.






String(from: String)


String(from: NodePath)


String(from: StringName)



begins_with(text: String) const


bigrams() const


bin_to_int() const


c_escape() const


c_unescape() const


capitalize() const


casecmp_to(to: String) const


chr(char: int) static


contains(what: String) const


containsn(what: String) const


count(what: String, from: int = 0, to: int = 0) const


countn(what: String, from: int = 0, to: int = 0) const


dedent() const


ends_with(text: String) const


erase(position: int, chars: int = 1) const


filecasecmp_to(to: String) const


filenocasecmp_to(to: String) const


find(what: String, from: int = 0) const


findn(what: String, from: int = 0) const


format(values: Variant, placeholder: String = "{_}") const


get_base_dir() const


get_basename() const


get_extension() const


get_file() const


get_slice(delimiter: String, slice: int) const


get_slice_count(delimiter: String) const


get_slicec(delimiter: int, slice: int) const


hash() const


hex_decode() const


hex_to_int() const


humanize_size(size: int) static


indent(prefix: String) const


insert(position: int, what: String) const


is_absolute_path() const


is_empty() const


is_relative_path() const


is_subsequence_of(text: String) const


is_subsequence_ofn(text: String) const


is_valid_filename() const


is_valid_float() const


is_valid_hex_number(with_prefix: bool = false) const


is_valid_html_color() const


is_valid_identifier() const


is_valid_int() const


is_valid_ip_address() const


join(parts: PackedStringArray) const


json_escape() const


left(length: int) const


length() const


lpad(min_length: int, character: String = " ") const


lstrip(chars: String) const


match(expr: String) const


matchn(expr: String) const


md5_buffer() const


md5_text() const


naturalcasecmp_to(to: String) const


naturalnocasecmp_to(to: String) const


nocasecmp_to(to: String) const


num(number: float, decimals: int = -1) static


num_int64(number: int, base: int = 10, capitalize_hex: bool = false) static


num_scientific(number: float) static


num_uint64(number: int, base: int = 10, capitalize_hex: bool = false) static


pad_decimals(digits: int) const


pad_zeros(digits: int) const


path_join(file: String) const


repeat(count: int) const


replace(what: String, forwhat: String) const


replacen(what: String, forwhat: String) const


reverse() const


rfind(what: String, from: int = -1) const


rfindn(what: String, from: int = -1) const


right(length: int) const


rpad(min_length: int, character: String = " ") const


rsplit(delimiter: String = "", allow_empty: bool = true, maxsplit: int = 0) const


rstrip(chars: String) const


sha1_buffer() const


sha1_text() const


sha256_buffer() const


sha256_text() const


similarity(text: String) const


simplify_path() const


split(delimiter: String = "", allow_empty: bool = true, maxsplit: int = 0) const


split_floats(delimiter: String, allow_empty: bool = true) const


strip_edges(left: bool = true, right: bool = true) const


strip_escapes() const


substr(from: int, len: int = -1) const


to_ascii_buffer() const


to_camel_case() const


to_float() const


to_int() const


to_lower() const


to_pascal_case() const


to_snake_case() const


to_upper() const


to_utf8_buffer() const


to_utf16_buffer() const


to_utf32_buffer() const


to_wchar_buffer() const


trim_prefix(prefix: String) const


trim_suffix(suffix: String) const


unicode_at(at: int) const


uri_decode() const


uri_encode() const


validate_filename() const


validate_node_name() const


xml_escape(escape_quotes: bool = false) const


xml_unescape() const



operator !=(right: String)


operator !=(right: StringName)


operator %(right: Variant)


operator +(right: String)


operator +(right: StringName)


operator <(right: String)


operator <=(right: String)


operator ==(right: String)


operator ==(right: StringName)


operator >(right: String)


operator >=(right: String)


operator [](index: int)

Constructor DescriptionsΒΆ

String String() πŸ”—

Constructs an empty String ("").

String String(from: String)

Constructs a String as a copy of the given String.

String String(from: NodePath)

Constructs a new String from the given NodePath.

String String(from: StringName)

Constructs a new String from the given StringName.

Method DescriptionsΒΆ

bool begins_with(text: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string begins with the given text. See also ends_with.

PackedStringArray bigrams() const πŸ”—

Returns an array containing the bigrams (pairs of consecutive characters) of this string.

print("Get up!".bigrams()) # Prints ["Ge", "et", "t ", " u", "up", "p!"]

int bin_to_int() const πŸ”—

Converts the string representing a binary number into an int. The string may optionally be prefixed with "0b", and an additional - prefix for negative numbers.

print("101".bin_to_int())   # Prints 5
print("0b101".bin_to_int()) # Prints 5
print("-0b10".bin_to_int()) # Prints -2

String c_escape() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the C language standard.

String c_unescape() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings. Supported escape sequences are \', \", \\, \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v.

Note: Unlike the GDScript parser, this method doesn't support the \uXXXX escape sequence.

String capitalize() const πŸ”—

Changes the appearance of the string: replaces underscores (_) with spaces, adds spaces before uppercase letters in the middle of a word, converts all letters to lowercase, then converts the first one and each one following a space to uppercase.

"move_local_x".capitalize()   # Returns "Move Local X"
"sceneFile_path".capitalize() # Returns "Scene File Path"
"2D, FPS, PNG".capitalize()   # Returns "2d, Fps, Png"

int casecmp_to(to: String) const πŸ”—

Performs a case-sensitive comparison to another string. Returns -1 if less than, 1 if greater than, or 0 if equal. "Less than" and "greater than" are determined by the Unicode code points of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order.

With different string lengths, returns 1 if this string is longer than the to string, or -1 if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is always 0.

To get a bool result from a string comparison, use the == operator instead. See also nocasecmp_to, filecasecmp_to, and naturalcasecmp_to.

String chr(char: int) static πŸ”—

Returns a single Unicode character from the decimal char. You may use unicodelookup.com or unicode.org as points of reference.

print(String.chr(65))     # Prints "A"
print(String.chr(129302)) # Prints "πŸ€–" (robot face emoji)

bool contains(what: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string contains what. In GDScript, this corresponds to the in operator.

print("Node".contains("de")) # Prints true
print("team".contains("I"))  # Prints false
print("I" in "team")         # Prints false

If you need to know where what is within the string, use find. See also containsn.

bool containsn(what: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string contains what, ignoring case.

If you need to know where what is within the string, use findn. See also contains.

int count(what: String, from: int = 0, to: int = 0) const πŸ”—

Returns the number of occurrences of the substring what between from and to positions. If to is 0, the search continues until the end of the string.

int countn(what: String, from: int = 0, to: int = 0) const πŸ”—

Returns the number of occurrences of the substring what between from and to positions, ignoring case. If to is 0, the search continues until the end of the string.

String dedent() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with indentation (leading tabs and spaces) removed. See also indent to add indentation.

bool ends_with(text: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string ends with the given text. See also begins_with.

String erase(position: int, chars: int = 1) const πŸ”—

Returns a string with chars characters erased starting from position. If chars goes beyond the string's length given the specified position, fewer characters will be erased from the returned string. Returns an empty string if either position or chars is negative. Returns the original string unmodified if chars is 0.

int filecasecmp_to(to: String) const πŸ”—

Like naturalcasecmp_to but prioritizes strings that begin with periods (.) and underscores (_) before any other character. Useful when sorting folders or file names.

To get a bool result from a string comparison, use the == operator instead. See also filenocasecmp_to, naturalcasecmp_to, and casecmp_to.

int filenocasecmp_to(to: String) const πŸ”—

Like naturalnocasecmp_to but prioritizes strings that begin with periods (.) and underscores (_) before any other character. Useful when sorting folders or file names.

To get a bool result from a string comparison, use the == operator instead. See also filecasecmp_to, naturalnocasecmp_to, and nocasecmp_to.

int find(what: String, from: int = 0) const πŸ”—

Returns the index of the first occurrence of what in this string, or -1 if there are none. The search's start can be specified with from, continuing to the end of the string.

print("Team".find("I")) # Prints -1

print("Potato".find("t"))    # Prints 2
print("Potato".find("t", 3)) # Prints 4
print("Potato".find("t", 5)) # Prints -1

Note: If you just want to know whether the string contains what, use contains. In GDScript, you may also use the in operator.

int findn(what: String, from: int = 0) const πŸ”—

Returns the index of the first case-insensitive occurrence of what in this string, or -1 if there are none. The starting search index can be specified with from, continuing to the end of the string.

String format(values: Variant, placeholder: String = "{_}") const πŸ”—

Formats the string by replacing all occurrences of placeholder with the elements of values.

values can be a Dictionary or an Array. Any underscores in placeholder will be replaced with the corresponding keys in advance. Array elements use their index as keys.

# Prints "Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, and Godot Engine is named after it."
var use_array_values = "Waiting for {0} is a play by {1}, and {0} Engine is named after it."
print(use_array_values.format(["Godot", "Samuel Beckett"]))

# Prints "User 42 is Godot."
print("User {id} is {name}.".format({"id": 42, "name": "Godot"}))

Some additional handling is performed when values is an Array. If placeholder does not contain an underscore, the elements of the values array will be used to replace one occurrence of the placeholder in order; If an element of values is another 2-element array, it'll be interpreted as a key-value pair.

# Prints "User 42 is Godot."
print("User {} is {}.".format([42, "Godot"], "{}"))
print("User {id} is {name}.".format([["id", 42], ["name", "Godot"]]))

See also the GDScript format string tutorial.

Note: The replacement of placeholders is not done all at once, instead each placeholder is replaced in the order they are passed, this means that if one of the replacement strings contains a key it will also be replaced. This can be very powerful, but can also cause unexpected results if you are not careful. If you do not need to perform replacement in the replacement strings, make sure your replacements do not contain placeholders to ensure reliable results.

print("{0} {1}".format(["{1}", "x"]))                       # Prints "x x".
print("{0} {1}".format(["x", "{0}"]))                       # Prints "x {0}".
print("{foo} {bar}".format({"foo": "{bar}", "bar": "baz"})) # Prints "baz baz".
print("{foo} {bar}".format({"bar": "baz", "foo": "{bar}"})) # Prints "{bar} baz".

Note: In C#, it's recommended to interpolate strings with "$", instead.

String get_base_dir() const πŸ”—

If the string is a valid file path, returns the base directory name.

var dir_path = "/path/to/file.txt".get_base_dir() # dir_path is "/path/to"

String get_basename() const πŸ”—

If the string is a valid file path, returns the full file path, without the extension.

var base = "/path/to/file.txt".get_basename() # base is "/path/to/file"

String get_extension() const πŸ”—

If the string is a valid file name or path, returns the file extension without the leading period (.). Otherwise, returns an empty string.

var a = "/path/to/file.txt".get_extension() # a is "txt"
var b = "cool.txt".get_extension()          # b is "txt"
var c = "cool.font.tres".get_extension()    # c is "tres"
var d = ".pack1".get_extension()            # d is "pack1"

var e = "file.txt.".get_extension()  # e is ""
var f = "file.txt..".get_extension() # f is ""
var g = "txt".get_extension()        # g is ""
var h = "".get_extension()           # h is ""

String get_file() const πŸ”—

If the string is a valid file path, returns the file name, including the extension.

var file = "/path/to/icon.png".get_file() # file is "icon.png"

String get_slice(delimiter: String, slice: int) const πŸ”—

Splits the string using a delimiter and returns the substring at index slice. Returns the original string if delimiter does not occur in the string. Returns an empty string if the slice does not exist.

This is faster than split, if you only need one substring.


print("i/am/example/hi".get_slice("/", 2)) # Prints "example"

int get_slice_count(delimiter: String) const πŸ”—

Returns the total number of slices when the string is split with the given delimiter (see split).

String get_slicec(delimiter: int, slice: int) const πŸ”—

Splits the string using a Unicode character with code delimiter and returns the substring at index slice. Returns an empty string if the slice does not exist.

This is faster than split, if you only need one substring.

int hash() const πŸ”—

Returns the 32-bit hash value representing the string's contents.

Note: Strings with equal hash values are not guaranteed to be the same, as a result of hash collisions. On the contrary, strings with different hash values are guaranteed to be different.

PackedByteArray hex_decode() const πŸ”—

Decodes a hexadecimal string as a PackedByteArray.

var text = "hello world"
var encoded = text.to_utf8_buffer().hex_encode() # outputs "68656c6c6f20776f726c64"

int hex_to_int() const πŸ”—

Converts the string representing a hexadecimal number into an int. The string may be optionally prefixed with "0x", and an additional - prefix for negative numbers.

print("0xff".hex_to_int()) # Prints 255
print("ab".hex_to_int())   # Prints 171

String humanize_size(size: int) static πŸ”—

Converts size which represents a number of bytes into a human-readable form.

The result is in IEC prefix format, which may end in either "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", or "EiB".

String indent(prefix: String) const πŸ”—

Indents every line of the string with the given prefix. Empty lines are not indented. See also dedent to remove indentation.

For example, the string can be indented with two tabulations using "\t\t", or four spaces using "    ".

String insert(position: int, what: String) const πŸ”—

Inserts what at the given position in the string.

bool is_absolute_path() const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string is a path to a file or directory, and its starting point is explicitly defined. This method is the opposite of is_relative_path.

This includes all paths starting with "res://", "user://", "C:\", "/", etc.

bool is_empty() const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string's length is 0 (""). See also length.

bool is_relative_path() const πŸ”—

Returns true if the string is a path, and its starting point is dependent on context. The path could begin from the current directory, or the current Node (if the string is derived from a NodePath), and may sometimes be prefixed with "./". This method is the opposite of is_absolute_path.

bool is_subsequence_of(text: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if all characters of this string can be found in text in their original order.

var text = "Wow, incredible!"

print("inedible".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true
print("Word!".is_subsequence_of(text))    # Prints true
print("Window".is_subsequence_of(text))   # Prints false
print("".is_subsequence_of(text))         # Prints true

bool is_subsequence_ofn(text: String) const πŸ”—

Returns true if all characters of this string can be found in text in their original order, ignoring case.

bool is_valid_filename() const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string does not contain characters that are not allowed in file names (: / \ ? * " | % < >).

bool is_valid_float() const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string represents a valid floating-point number. A valid float may contain only digits, one decimal point (.), and the exponent letter (e). It may also be prefixed with a positive (+) or negative (-) sign. Any valid integer is also a valid float (see is_valid_int). See also to_float.

print("1.7".is_valid_float())   # Prints true
print("24".is_valid_float())    # Prints true
print("7e3".is_valid_float())   # Prints true
print("Hello".is_valid_float()) # Prints false

bool is_valid_hex_number(with_prefix: bool = false) const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string is a valid hexadecimal number. A valid hexadecimal number only contains digits or letters A to F (either uppercase or lowercase), and may be prefixed with a positive (+) or negative (-) sign.

If with_prefix is true, the hexadecimal number needs to prefixed by "0x" to be considered valid.

print("A08E".is_valid_hex_number())    # Prints true
print("-AbCdEf".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints true
print("2.5".is_valid_hex_number())     # Prints false

print("0xDEADC0DE".is_valid_hex_number(true)) # Prints true

bool is_valid_html_color() const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string is a valid color in hexadecimal HTML notation. The string must be a hexadecimal value (see is_valid_hex_number) of either 3, 4, 6 or 8 digits, and may be prefixed by a hash sign (#). Other HTML notations for colors, such as names or hsl(), are not considered valid. See also Color.html.

bool is_valid_identifier() const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string is a valid identifier. A valid identifier may contain only letters, digits and underscores (_), and the first character may not be a digit.

print("node_2d".is_valid_identifier())    # Prints true
print("TYPE_FLOAT".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints true
print("1st_method".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints false
print("MyMethod#2".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints false

bool is_valid_int() const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string represents a valid integer. A valid integer only contains digits, and may be prefixed with a positive (+) or negative (-) sign. See also to_int.

print("7".is_valid_int())    # Prints true
print("1.65".is_valid_int()) # Prints false
print("Hi".is_valid_int())   # Prints false
print("+3".is_valid_int())   # Prints true
print("-12".is_valid_int())  # Prints true

bool is_valid_ip_address() const πŸ”—

Returns true if this string represents a well-formatted IPv4 or IPv6 address. This method considers reserved IP addresses such as "" and "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" as valid.

String join(parts: PackedStringArray) const πŸ”—

Returns the concatenation of parts' elements, with each element separated by the string calling this method. This method is the opposite of split.


var fruits = ["Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"]

print(", ".join(fruits))  # Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi"
print("---".join(fruits)) # Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi"

String json_escape() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the JSON standard. Because it closely matches the C standard, it is possible to use c_unescape to unescape the string, if necessary.

String left(length: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the first length characters from the beginning of the string. If length is negative, strips the last length characters from the string's end.

print("Hello World!".left(3))  # Prints "Hel"
print("Hello World!".left(-4)) # Prints "Hello Wo"

int length() const πŸ”—

Returns the number of characters in the string. Empty strings ("") always return 0. See also is_empty.

String lpad(min_length: int, character: String = " ") const πŸ”—

Formats the string to be at least min_length long by adding characters to the left of the string, if necessary. See also rpad.

String lstrip(chars: String) const πŸ”—

Removes a set of characters defined in chars from the string's beginning. See also rstrip.

Note: chars is not a prefix. Use trim_prefix to remove a single prefix, rather than a set of characters.

bool match(expr: String) const πŸ”—

Does a simple expression match (also called "glob" or "globbing"), where * matches zero or more arbitrary characters and ? matches any single character except a period (.). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to false.

bool matchn(expr: String) const πŸ”—

Does a simple case-insensitive expression match, where * matches zero or more arbitrary characters and ? matches any single character except a period (.). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to false.

PackedByteArray md5_buffer() const πŸ”—

Returns the MD5 hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.

String md5_text() const πŸ”—

Returns the MD5 hash of the string as another String.

int naturalcasecmp_to(to: String) const πŸ”—

Performs a case-sensitive, natural order comparison to another string. Returns -1 if less than, 1 if greater than, or 0 if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the Unicode code points of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order.

When used for sorting, natural order comparison orders sequences of numbers by the combined value of each digit as is often expected, instead of the single digit's value. A sorted sequence of numbered strings will be ["1", "2", "3", ...], not ["1", "10", "2", "3", ...].

With different string lengths, returns 1 if this string is longer than the to string, or -1 if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is always 0.

To get a bool result from a string comparison, use the == operator instead. See also naturalnocasecmp_to, filecasecmp_to, and nocasecmp_to.

int naturalnocasecmp_to(to: String) const πŸ”—

Performs a case-insensitive, natural order comparison to another string. Returns -1 if less than, 1 if greater than, or 0 if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the Unicode code points of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Internally, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase for the comparison.

When used for sorting, natural order comparison orders sequences of numbers by the combined value of each digit as is often expected, instead of the single digit's value. A sorted sequence of numbered strings will be ["1", "2", "3", ...], not ["1", "10", "2", "3", ...].

With different string lengths, returns 1 if this string is longer than the to string, or -1 if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is always 0.

To get a bool result from a string comparison, use the == operator instead. See also naturalcasecmp_to, filenocasecmp_to, and casecmp_to.

int nocasecmp_to(to: String) const πŸ”—

Performs a case-insensitive comparison to another string. Returns -1 if less than, 1 if greater than, or 0 if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the Unicode code points of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Internally, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase for the comparison.

With different string lengths, returns 1 if this string is longer than the to string, or -1 if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is always 0.

To get a bool result from a string comparison, use the == operator instead. See also casecmp_to, filenocasecmp_to, and naturalnocasecmp_to.

String num(number: float, decimals: int = -1) static πŸ”—

Converts a float to a string representation of a decimal number, with the number of decimal places specified in decimals.

If decimals is -1 as by default, the string representation may only have up to 14 significant digits, with digits before the decimal point having priority over digits after.

Trailing zeros are not included in the string. The last digit is rounded, not truncated.


String.num(3.141593)     # Returns "3.141593"
String.num(3.141593, 3)  # Returns "3.142"
String.num(3.14159300)   # Returns "3.141593"

# Here, the last digit will be rounded up,
# which reduces the total digit count, since trailing zeros are removed:
String.num(42.129999, 5) # Returns "42.13"

# If `decimals` is not specified, the maximum number of significant digits is 14:
String.num(-0.0000012345432123454321)     # Returns "-0.00000123454321"
String.num(-10000.0000012345432123454321) # Returns "-10000.0000012345"

String num_int64(number: int, base: int = 10, capitalize_hex: bool = false) static πŸ”—

Converts the given number to a string representation, with the given base.

By default, base is set to decimal (10). Other common bases in programming include binary (2), octal (8), hexadecimal (16).

If capitalize_hex is true, digits higher than 9 are represented in uppercase.

String num_scientific(number: float) static πŸ”—

Converts the given number to a string representation, in scientific notation.

var n = -5.2e8
print(n)                        # Prints -520000000
print(String.num_scientific(n)) # Prints -5.2e+08

Note: In C#, this method is not implemented. To achieve similar results, see C#'s Standard numeric format strings

String num_uint64(number: int, base: int = 10, capitalize_hex: bool = false) static πŸ”—

Converts the given unsigned int to a string representation, with the given base.

By default, base is set to decimal (10). Other common bases in programming include binary (2), octal (8), hexadecimal (16).

If capitalize_hex is true, digits higher than 9 are represented in uppercase.

String pad_decimals(digits: int) const πŸ”—

Formats the string representing a number to have an exact number of digits after the decimal point.

String pad_zeros(digits: int) const πŸ”—

Formats the string representing a number to have an exact number of digits before the decimal point.

String path_join(file: String) const πŸ”—

Concatenates file at the end of the string as a subpath, adding / if necessary.

Example: "this/is".path_join("path") == "this/is/path".

String repeat(count: int) const πŸ”—

Repeats this string a number of times. count needs to be greater than 0. Otherwise, returns an empty string.

String replace(what: String, forwhat: String) const πŸ”—

Replaces all occurrences of what inside the string with the given forwhat.

String replacen(what: String, forwhat: String) const πŸ”—

Replaces all case-insensitive occurrences of what inside the string with the given forwhat.

String reverse() const πŸ”—

Returns the copy of this string in reverse order. This operation works on unicode codepoints, rather than sequences of codepoints, and may break things like compound letters or emojis.

int rfind(what: String, from: int = -1) const πŸ”—

Returns the index of the last occurrence of what in this string, or -1 if there are none. The search's start can be specified with from, continuing to the beginning of the string. This method is the reverse of find.

int rfindn(what: String, from: int = -1) const πŸ”—

Returns the index of the last case-insensitive occurrence of what in this string, or -1 if there are none. The starting search index can be specified with from, continuing to the beginning of the string. This method is the reverse of findn.

String right(length: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the last length characters from the end of the string. If length is negative, strips the first length characters from the string's beginning.

print("Hello World!".right(3))  # Prints "ld!"
print("Hello World!".right(-4)) # Prints "o World!"

String rpad(min_length: int, character: String = " ") const πŸ”—

Formats the string to be at least min_length long, by adding characters to the right of the string, if necessary. See also lpad.

PackedStringArray rsplit(delimiter: String = "", allow_empty: bool = true, maxsplit: int = 0) const πŸ”—

Splits the string using a delimiter and returns an array of the substrings, starting from the end of the string. The splits in the returned array appear in the same order as the original string. If delimiter is an empty string, each substring will be a single character.

If allow_empty is false, empty strings between adjacent delimiters are excluded from the array.

If maxsplit is greater than 0, the number of splits may not exceed maxsplit. By default, the entire string is split, which is mostly identical to split.


var some_string = "One,Two,Three,Four"
var some_array = some_string.rsplit(",", true, 1)

print(some_array.size()) # Prints 2
print(some_array[0])     # Prints "One,Two,Three"
print(some_array[1])     # Prints "Four"

String rstrip(chars: String) const πŸ”—

Removes a set of characters defined in chars from the string's end. See also lstrip.

Note: chars is not a suffix. Use trim_suffix to remove a single suffix, rather than a set of characters.

PackedByteArray sha1_buffer() const πŸ”—

Returns the SHA-1 hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.

String sha1_text() const πŸ”—

Returns the SHA-1 hash of the string as another String.

PackedByteArray sha256_buffer() const πŸ”—

Returns the SHA-256 hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.

String sha256_text() const πŸ”—

Returns the SHA-256 hash of the string as another String.

float similarity(text: String) const πŸ”—

Returns the similarity index (Sorensen-Dice coefficient) of this string compared to another. A result of 1.0 means totally similar, while 0.0 means totally dissimilar.

print("ABC123".similarity("ABC123")) # Prints 1.0
print("ABC123".similarity("XYZ456")) # Prints 0.0
print("ABC123".similarity("123ABC")) # Prints 0.8
print("ABC123".similarity("abc123")) # Prints 0.4

String simplify_path() const πŸ”—

If the string is a valid file path, converts the string into a canonical path. This is the shortest possible path, without "./", and all the unnecessary ".." and "/".

var simple_path = "./path/to///../file".simplify_path()
print(simple_path) # Prints "path/file"

PackedStringArray split(delimiter: String = "", allow_empty: bool = true, maxsplit: int = 0) const πŸ”—

Splits the string using a delimiter and returns an array of the substrings. If delimiter is an empty string, each substring will be a single character. This method is the opposite of join.

If allow_empty is false, empty strings between adjacent delimiters are excluded from the array.

If maxsplit is greater than 0, the number of splits may not exceed maxsplit. By default, the entire string is split.


var some_array = "One,Two,Three,Four".split(",", true, 2)

print(some_array.size()) # Prints 3
print(some_array[0])     # Prints "One"
print(some_array[1])     # Prints "Two"
print(some_array[2])     # Prints "Three,Four"

Note: If you only need one substring from the array, consider using get_slice which is faster. If you need to split strings with more complex rules, use the RegEx class instead.

PackedFloat64Array split_floats(delimiter: String, allow_empty: bool = true) const πŸ”—

Splits the string into floats by using a delimiter and returns a PackedFloat64Array.

If allow_empty is false, empty or invalid float conversions between adjacent delimiters are excluded.

var a = "1,2,4.5".split_floats(",")         # a is [1.0, 2.0, 4.5]
var c = "1| ||4.5".split_floats("|")        # c is [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5]
var b = "1| ||4.5".split_floats("|", false) # b is [1.0, 4.5]

String strip_edges(left: bool = true, right: bool = true) const πŸ”—

Strips all non-printable characters from the beginning and the end of the string. These include spaces, tabulations (\t), and newlines (\n \r).

If left is false, ignores the string's beginning. Likewise, if right is false, ignores the string's end.

String strip_escapes() const πŸ”—

Strips all escape characters from the string. These include all non-printable control characters of the first page of the ASCII table (values from 0 to 31), such as tabulation (\t) and newline (\n, \r) characters, but not spaces.

String substr(from: int, len: int = -1) const πŸ”—

Returns part of the string from the position from with length len. If len is -1 (as by default), returns the rest of the string starting from the given position.

PackedByteArray to_ascii_buffer() const πŸ”—

Converts the string to an ASCII/Latin-1 encoded PackedByteArray. This method is slightly faster than to_utf8_buffer, but replaces all unsupported characters with spaces. This is the inverse of PackedByteArray.get_string_from_ascii.

String to_camel_case() const πŸ”—

Returns the string converted to camelCase.

float to_float() const πŸ”—

Converts the string representing a decimal number into a float. This method stops on the first non-number character, except the first decimal point (.) and the exponent letter (e). See also is_valid_float.

var a = "12.35".to_float()  # a is 12.35
var b = "1.2.3".to_float()  # b is 1.2
var c = "12xy3".to_float()  # c is 12.0
var d = "1e3".to_float()    # d is 1000.0
var e = "Hello!".to_float() # e is 0.0

int to_int() const πŸ”—

Converts the string representing an integer number into an int. This method removes any non-number character and stops at the first decimal point (.). See also is_valid_int.

var a = "123".to_int()    # a is 123
var b = "x1y2z3".to_int() # b is 123
var c = "-1.2.3".to_int() # c is -1
var d = "Hello!".to_int() # d is 0

String to_lower() const πŸ”—

Returns the string converted to lowercase.

String to_pascal_case() const πŸ”—

Returns the string converted to PascalCase.

String to_snake_case() const πŸ”—

Returns the string converted to snake_case.

Note: Numbers followed by a single letter are not separated in the conversion to keep some words (such as "2D") together.

"Node2D".to_snake_case()               # Returns "node_2d"
"2nd place".to_snake_case()            # Returns "2_nd_place"
"Texture3DAssetFolder".to_snake_case() # Returns "texture_3d_asset_folder"

String to_upper() const πŸ”—

Returns the string converted to UPPERCASE.

PackedByteArray to_utf8_buffer() const πŸ”—

Converts the string to a UTF-8 encoded PackedByteArray. This method is slightly slower than to_ascii_buffer, but supports all UTF-8 characters. For most cases, prefer using this method. This is the inverse of PackedByteArray.get_string_from_utf8.

PackedByteArray to_utf16_buffer() const πŸ”—

Converts the string to a UTF-16 encoded PackedByteArray. This is the inverse of PackedByteArray.get_string_from_utf16.

PackedByteArray to_utf32_buffer() const πŸ”—

Converts the string to a UTF-32 encoded PackedByteArray. This is the inverse of PackedByteArray.get_string_from_utf32.

PackedByteArray to_wchar_buffer() const πŸ”—

Converts the string to a wide character (wchar_t, UTF-16 on Windows, UTF-32 on other platforms) encoded PackedByteArray. This is the inverse of PackedByteArray.get_string_from_wchar.

String trim_prefix(prefix: String) const πŸ”—

Removes the given prefix from the start of the string, or returns the string unchanged.

String trim_suffix(suffix: String) const πŸ”—

Removes the given suffix from the end of the string, or returns the string unchanged.

int unicode_at(at: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the character code at position at.

String uri_decode() const πŸ”—

Decodes the string from its URL-encoded format. This method is meant to properly decode the parameters in a URL when receiving an HTTP request. See also uri_encode.

var url = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs"
print(url.uri_decode()) # Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot Engine:docs"

String uri_encode() const πŸ”—

Encodes the string to URL-friendly format. This method is meant to properly encode the parameters in a URL when sending an HTTP request. See also uri_decode.

var prefix = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight="
var url = prefix + "Godot Engine:docs".uri_encode()

print(url) # Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs"

String validate_filename() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with all characters that are not allowed in is_valid_filename replaced with underscores.

String validate_node_name() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with all characters that are not allowed in Node.name (. : @ / " %) replaced with underscores.

String xml_escape(escape_quotes: bool = false) const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the XML standard. If escape_quotes is true, the single quote (') and double quote (") characters are also escaped.

String xml_unescape() const πŸ”—

Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings according to the XML standard.

Operator DescriptionsΒΆ

bool operator !=(right: String) πŸ”—

Returns true if both strings do not contain the same sequence of characters.

bool operator !=(right: StringName) πŸ”—

Returns true if this String is not equivalent to the given StringName.

String operator %(right: Variant) πŸ”—

Formats the String, replacing the placeholders with one or more parameters. To pass multiple parameters, right needs to be an Array.

print("I caught %d fishes!" % 2) # Prints "I caught 2 fishes!"

var my_message = "Travelling to %s, at %2.2f km/h."
var location = "Deep Valley"
var speed = 40.3485
print(my_message % [location, speed]) # Prints "Travelling to Deep Valley, at 40.35 km/h."

For more information, see the GDScript format strings tutorial.

Note: In C#, this operator is not available. Instead, see how to interpolate strings with "$".

String operator +(right: String) πŸ”—

Appends right at the end of this String, also known as a string concatenation.

String operator +(right: StringName) πŸ”—

Appends right at the end of this String, returning a String. This is also known as a string concatenation.

bool operator <(right: String) πŸ”—

Returns true if the left String comes before right in Unicode order, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Useful for sorting.

bool operator <=(right: String) πŸ”—

Returns true if the left String comes before right in Unicode order, which roughly matches the alphabetical order, or if both are equal.

bool operator ==(right: String) πŸ”—

Returns true if both strings contain the same sequence of characters.

bool operator ==(right: StringName) πŸ”—

Returns true if this String is equivalent to the given StringName.

bool operator >(right: String) πŸ”—

Returns true if the left String comes after right in Unicode order, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Useful for sorting.

bool operator >=(right: String) πŸ”—

Returns true if the left String comes after right in Unicode order, which roughly matches the alphabetical order, or if both are equal.

String operator [](index: int) πŸ”—

Returns a new String that only contains the character at index. Indices start from 0. If index is greater or equal to 0, the character is fetched starting from the beginning of the string. If index is a negative value, it is fetched starting from the end. Accessing a string out-of-bounds will cause a run-time error, pausing the project execution if run from the editor.