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Experimental: This class may be changed or removed in future versions.
Inherits: Resource < RefCounted < Object
A 2D navigation mesh that describes a traversable surface for pathfinding.
A navigation mesh can be created either by baking it with the help of the NavigationServer2D, or by adding vertices and convex polygon indices arrays manually.
To bake a navigation mesh at least one outline needs to be added that defines the outer bounds of the baked area.
var new_navigation_mesh = NavigationPolygon.new()
var bounding_outline = PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 50), Vector2(50, 50), Vector2(50, 0)])
NavigationServer2D.bake_from_source_geometry_data(new_navigation_mesh, NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D.new());
$NavigationRegion2D.navigation_polygon = new_navigation_mesh
var newNavigationMesh = new NavigationPolygon();
var boundingOutline = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 50), new Vector2(50, 50), new Vector2(50, 0) };
NavigationServer2D.BakeFromSourceGeometryData(newNavigationMesh, new NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D());
GetNode<NavigationRegion2D>("NavigationRegion2D").NavigationPolygon = newNavigationMesh;
Adding vertices and polygon indices manually.
var new_navigation_mesh = NavigationPolygon.new()
var new_vertices = PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 50), Vector2(50, 50), Vector2(50, 0)])
new_navigation_mesh.vertices = new_vertices
var new_polygon_indices = PackedInt32Array([0, 1, 2, 3])
$NavigationRegion2D.navigation_polygon = new_navigation_mesh
var newNavigationMesh = new NavigationPolygon();
var newVertices = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 50), new Vector2(50, 50), new Vector2(50, 0) };
newNavigationMesh.Vertices = newVertices;
var newPolygonIndices = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
GetNode<NavigationRegion2D>("NavigationRegion2D").NavigationPolygon = newNavigationMesh;
void |
add_outline(outline: PackedVector2Array) |
void |
add_outline_at_index(outline: PackedVector2Array, index: int) |
void |
add_polygon(polygon: PackedInt32Array) |
void |
clear() |
void |
void |
get_outline(idx: int) const |
get_outline_count() const |
get_parsed_collision_mask_value(layer_number: int) const |
get_polygon(idx: int) |
get_polygon_count() const |
get_vertices() const |
void |
void |
remove_outline(idx: int) |
void |
set_outline(idx: int, outline: PackedVector2Array) |
void |
set_parsed_collision_mask_value(layer_number: int, value: bool) |
void |
set_vertices(vertices: PackedVector2Array) |
enum SamplePartitionType: 🔗
Convex partitioning that yields navigation mesh with convex polygons.
Triangulation partitioning that yields navigation mesh with triangle polygons.
SamplePartitionType SAMPLE_PARTITION_MAX = 2
Represents the size of the SamplePartitionType enum.
enum ParsedGeometryType: 🔗
Parses mesh instances as obstruction geometry. This includes Polygon2D, MeshInstance2D, MultiMeshInstance2D, and TileMap nodes.
Meshes are only parsed when they use a 2D vertices surface format.
Parses StaticBody2D and TileMap colliders as obstruction geometry. The collider should be in any of the layers specified by parsed_collision_mask.
ParsedGeometryType PARSED_GEOMETRY_BOTH = 2
ParsedGeometryType PARSED_GEOMETRY_MAX = 3
Represents the size of the ParsedGeometryType enum.
enum SourceGeometryMode: 🔗
Scans the child nodes of the root node recursively for geometry.
Scans nodes in a group and their child nodes recursively for geometry. The group is specified by source_geometry_group_name.
Uses nodes in a group for geometry. The group is specified by source_geometry_group_name.
SourceGeometryMode SOURCE_GEOMETRY_MAX = 3
Represents the size of the SourceGeometryMode enum.
Property Descriptions¶
The distance to erode/shrink the walkable surface when baking the navigation mesh.
Rect2 baking_rect = Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0)
If the baking Rect2 has an area the navigation mesh baking will be restricted to its enclosing area.
Vector2 baking_rect_offset = Vector2(0, 0)
The position offset applied to the baking_rect Rect2.
The size of the non-navigable border around the bake bounding area defined by the baking_rect Rect2.
In conjunction with the baking_rect the border size can be used to bake tile aligned navigation meshes without the tile edges being shrunk by agent_radius.
The cell size used to rasterize the navigation mesh vertices. Must match with the cell size on the navigation map.
int parsed_collision_mask = 4294967295
The physics layers to scan for static colliders.
Only used when parsed_geometry_type is PARSED_GEOMETRY_STATIC_COLLIDERS or PARSED_GEOMETRY_BOTH.
ParsedGeometryType parsed_geometry_type = 2
void set_parsed_geometry_type(value: ParsedGeometryType)
ParsedGeometryType get_parsed_geometry_type()
Determines which type of nodes will be parsed as geometry. See ParsedGeometryType for possible values.
SamplePartitionType sample_partition_type = 0
void set_sample_partition_type(value: SamplePartitionType)
SamplePartitionType get_sample_partition_type()
Partitioning algorithm for creating the navigation mesh polys. See SamplePartitionType for possible values.
StringName source_geometry_group_name = &"navigation_polygon_source_geometry_group"
void set_source_geometry_group_name(value: StringName)
StringName get_source_geometry_group_name()
The group name of nodes that should be parsed for baking source geometry.
SourceGeometryMode source_geometry_mode = 0
void set_source_geometry_mode(value: SourceGeometryMode)
SourceGeometryMode get_source_geometry_mode()
The source of the geometry used when baking. See SourceGeometryMode for possible values.
Method Descriptions¶
void add_outline(outline: PackedVector2Array) 🔗
Appends a PackedVector2Array that contains the vertices of an outline to the internal array that contains all the outlines.
void add_outline_at_index(outline: PackedVector2Array, index: int) 🔗
Adds a PackedVector2Array that contains the vertices of an outline to the internal array that contains all the outlines at a fixed position.
void add_polygon(polygon: PackedInt32Array) 🔗
Adds a polygon using the indices of the vertices you get when calling get_vertices.
void clear() 🔗
Clears the internal arrays for vertices and polygon indices.
void clear_outlines() 🔗
Clears the array of the outlines, but it doesn't clear the vertices and the polygons that were created by them.
void clear_polygons() 🔗
Clears the array of polygons, but it doesn't clear the array of outlines and vertices.
NavigationMesh get_navigation_mesh() 🔗
Returns the NavigationMesh resulting from this navigation polygon. This navigation mesh can be used to update the navigation mesh of a region with the NavigationServer3D.region_set_navigation_mesh API directly (as 2D uses the 3D server behind the scene).
PackedVector2Array get_outline(idx: int) const 🔗
Returns a PackedVector2Array containing the vertices of an outline that was created in the editor or by script.
int get_outline_count() const 🔗
Returns the number of outlines that were created in the editor or by script.
bool get_parsed_collision_mask_value(layer_number: int) const 🔗
Returns whether or not the specified layer of the parsed_collision_mask is enabled, given a layer_number
between 1 and 32.
PackedInt32Array get_polygon(idx: int) 🔗
Returns a PackedInt32Array containing the indices of the vertices of a created polygon.
int get_polygon_count() const 🔗
Returns the count of all polygons.
PackedVector2Array get_vertices() const 🔗
Returns a PackedVector2Array containing all the vertices being used to create the polygons.
void make_polygons_from_outlines() 🔗
Deprecated: Use NavigationServer2D.parse_source_geometry_data and NavigationServer2D.bake_from_source_geometry_data instead.
Creates polygons from the outlines added in the editor or by script.
void remove_outline(idx: int) 🔗
Removes an outline created in the editor or by script. You have to call make_polygons_from_outlines for the polygons to update.
void set_outline(idx: int, outline: PackedVector2Array) 🔗
Changes an outline created in the editor or by script. You have to call make_polygons_from_outlines for the polygons to update.
void set_parsed_collision_mask_value(layer_number: int, value: bool) 🔗
Based on value
, enables or disables the specified layer in the parsed_collision_mask, given a layer_number
between 1 and 32.
void set_vertices(vertices: PackedVector2Array) 🔗
Sets the vertices that can be then indexed to create polygons with the add_polygon method.