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Inherits: Popup < Window < Viewport < Node < Object

A modal window used to display a list of options.


PopupMenu is a modal window used to display a list of options. Useful for toolbars and context menus.

The size of a PopupMenu can be limited by using Window.max_size. If the height of the list of items is larger than the maximum height of the PopupMenu, a ScrollContainer within the popup will allow the user to scroll the contents. If no maximum size is set, or if it is set to 0, the PopupMenu height will be limited by its parent rect.

All set_* methods allow negative item indices, i.e. -1 to access the last item, -2 to select the second-to-last item, and so on.

Incremental search: Like ItemList and Tree, PopupMenu supports searching within the list while the control is focused. Press a key that matches the first letter of an item's name to select the first item starting with the given letter. After that point, there are two ways to perform incremental search: 1) Press the same key again before the timeout duration to select the next item starting with the same letter. 2) Press letter keys that match the rest of the word before the timeout duration to match to select the item in question directly. Both of these actions will be reset to the beginning of the list if the timeout duration has passed since the last keystroke was registered. You can adjust the timeout duration by changing ProjectSettings.gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec.

Note: The ID values used for items are limited to 32 bits, not full 64 bits of int. This has a range of -2^32 to 2^32 - 1, i.e. -2147483648 to 2147483647.




























activate_item_by_event(event: InputEvent, for_global_only: bool = false)


add_check_item(label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_check_shortcut(shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false)


add_icon_check_item(texture: Texture2D, label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_icon_check_shortcut(texture: Texture2D, shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false)


add_icon_item(texture: Texture2D, label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_icon_radio_check_item(texture: Texture2D, label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_icon_radio_check_shortcut(texture: Texture2D, shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false)


add_icon_shortcut(texture: Texture2D, shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false, allow_echo: bool = false)


add_item(label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_multistate_item(label: String, max_states: int, default_state: int = 0, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_radio_check_item(label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0)


add_radio_check_shortcut(shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false)


add_separator(label: String = "", id: int = -1)


add_shortcut(shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false, allow_echo: bool = false)


add_submenu_item(label: String, submenu: String, id: int = -1)


add_submenu_node_item(label: String, submenu: PopupMenu, id: int = -1)


clear(free_submenus: bool = false)


get_focused_item() const


get_item_accelerator(index: int) const


get_item_icon(index: int) const


get_item_icon_max_width(index: int) const


get_item_icon_modulate(index: int) const


get_item_id(index: int) const


get_item_indent(index: int) const


get_item_index(id: int) const


get_item_language(index: int) const


get_item_metadata(index: int) const


get_item_multistate(index: int) const


get_item_multistate_max(index: int) const


get_item_shortcut(index: int) const


get_item_submenu(index: int) const


get_item_submenu_node(index: int) const


get_item_text(index: int) const


get_item_text_direction(index: int) const


get_item_tooltip(index: int) const


is_item_checkable(index: int) const


is_item_checked(index: int) const


is_item_disabled(index: int) const


is_item_radio_checkable(index: int) const


is_item_separator(index: int) const


is_item_shortcut_disabled(index: int) const


is_native_menu() const


is_system_menu() const


remove_item(index: int)


scroll_to_item(index: int)


set_focused_item(index: int)


set_item_accelerator(index: int, accel: Key)


set_item_as_checkable(index: int, enable: bool)


set_item_as_radio_checkable(index: int, enable: bool)


set_item_as_separator(index: int, enable: bool)


set_item_checked(index: int, checked: bool)


set_item_disabled(index: int, disabled: bool)


set_item_icon(index: int, icon: Texture2D)


set_item_icon_max_width(index: int, width: int)


set_item_icon_modulate(index: int, modulate: Color)


set_item_id(index: int, id: int)


set_item_indent(index: int, indent: int)


set_item_language(index: int, language: String)


set_item_metadata(index: int, metadata: Variant)


set_item_multistate(index: int, state: int)


set_item_multistate_max(index: int, max_states: int)


set_item_shortcut(index: int, shortcut: Shortcut, global: bool = false)


set_item_shortcut_disabled(index: int, disabled: bool)


set_item_submenu(index: int, submenu: String)


set_item_submenu_node(index: int, submenu: PopupMenu)


set_item_text(index: int, text: String)


set_item_text_direction(index: int, direction: TextDirection)


set_item_tooltip(index: int, tooltip: String)


toggle_item_checked(index: int)


toggle_item_multistate(index: int)

Theme PropertiesΒΆ



Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8)



Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1)



Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8)



Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1)



Color(0, 0, 0, 1)



Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1)



Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
































































id_focused(id: int) πŸ”—

Emitted when the user navigated to an item of some id using the ProjectSettings.input/ui_up or ProjectSettings.input/ui_down input action.

id_pressed(id: int) πŸ”—

Emitted when an item of some id is pressed or its accelerator is activated.

Note: If id is negative (either explicitly or due to overflow), this will return the corresponding index instead.

index_pressed(index: int) πŸ”—

Emitted when an item of some index is pressed or its accelerator is activated.

menu_changed() πŸ”—

Emitted when any item is added, modified or removed.

Property DescriptionsΒΆ

  • void set_allow_search(value: bool)

  • bool get_allow_search()

If true, allows navigating PopupMenu with letter keys.

bool hide_on_checkable_item_selection = true πŸ”—

  • void set_hide_on_checkable_item_selection(value: bool)

  • bool is_hide_on_checkable_item_selection()

If true, hides the PopupMenu when a checkbox or radio button is selected.

bool hide_on_item_selection = true πŸ”—

  • void set_hide_on_item_selection(value: bool)

  • bool is_hide_on_item_selection()

If true, hides the PopupMenu when an item is selected.

bool hide_on_state_item_selection = false πŸ”—

  • void set_hide_on_state_item_selection(value: bool)

  • bool is_hide_on_state_item_selection()

If true, hides the PopupMenu when a state item is selected.

int item_count = 0 πŸ”—

  • void set_item_count(value: int)

  • int get_item_count()

The number of items currently in the list.

bool prefer_native_menu = false πŸ”—

  • void set_prefer_native_menu(value: bool)

  • bool is_prefer_native_menu()

If true, MenuBar will use native menu when supported.

Note: If PopupMenu is linked to StatusIndicator, MenuBar, or another PopupMenu item it can use native menu regardless of this property, use is_native_menu to check it.

float submenu_popup_delay = 0.3 πŸ”—

  • void set_submenu_popup_delay(value: float)

  • float get_submenu_popup_delay()

Sets the delay time in seconds for the submenu item to popup on mouse hovering. If the popup menu is added as a child of another (acting as a submenu), it will inherit the delay time of the parent menu item.

SystemMenus system_menu_id = 0 πŸ”—

If set to one of the values of SystemMenus, this PopupMenu is bound to the special system menu. Only one PopupMenu can be bound to each special menu at a time.

Method DescriptionsΒΆ

bool activate_item_by_event(event: InputEvent, for_global_only: bool = false) πŸ”—

Checks the provided event against the PopupMenu's shortcuts and accelerators, and activates the first item with matching events. If for_global_only is true, only shortcuts and accelerators with global set to true will be called.

Returns true if an item was successfully activated.

Note: Certain Controls, such as MenuButton, will call this method automatically.

void add_check_item(label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Adds a new checkable item with text label.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_check_shortcut(shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false) πŸ”—

Adds a new checkable item and assigns the specified Shortcut to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the Shortcut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_icon_check_item(texture: Texture2D, label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Adds a new checkable item with text label and icon texture.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_icon_check_shortcut(texture: Texture2D, shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false) πŸ”—

Adds a new checkable item and assigns the specified Shortcut and icon texture to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the Shortcut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_icon_item(texture: Texture2D, label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Adds a new item with text label and icon texture.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

void add_icon_radio_check_item(texture: Texture2D, label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Same as add_icon_check_item, but uses a radio check button.

void add_icon_radio_check_shortcut(texture: Texture2D, shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false) πŸ”—

Same as add_icon_check_shortcut, but uses a radio check button.

void add_icon_shortcut(texture: Texture2D, shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false, allow_echo: bool = false) πŸ”—

Adds a new item and assigns the specified Shortcut and icon texture to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the Shortcut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

If allow_echo is true, the shortcut can be activated with echo events.

void add_item(label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Adds a new item with text label.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: The provided id is used only in id_pressed and id_focused signals. It's not related to the index arguments in e.g. set_item_checked.

void add_multistate_item(label: String, max_states: int, default_state: int = 0, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Adds a new multistate item with text label.

Contrarily to normal binary items, multistate items can have more than two states, as defined by max_states. The default value is defined by default_state.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Multistate items don't update their state automatically and must be done manually. See toggle_item_multistate, set_item_multistate and get_item_multistate for more info on how to control it.

Example usage:

func _ready():
    add_multistate_item("Item", 3, 0)

    index_pressed.connect(func(index: int):
            match get_item_multistate(index):
                    print("First state")
                    print("Second state")
                    print("Third state")

void add_radio_check_item(label: String, id: int = -1, accel: Key = 0) πŸ”—

Adds a new radio check button with text label.

An id can optionally be provided, as well as an accelerator (accel). If no id is provided, one will be created from the index. If no accel is provided, then the default value of 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE) will be assigned to the item (which means it won't have any accelerator). See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_radio_check_shortcut(shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false) πŸ”—

Adds a new radio check button and assigns a Shortcut to it. Sets the label of the checkbox to the Shortcut's name.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually. See set_item_checked for more info on how to control it.

void add_separator(label: String = "", id: int = -1) πŸ”—

Adds a separator between items. Separators also occupy an index, which you can set by using the id parameter.

A label can optionally be provided, which will appear at the center of the separator.

void add_shortcut(shortcut: Shortcut, id: int = -1, global: bool = false, allow_echo: bool = false) πŸ”—

Adds a Shortcut.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

If allow_echo is true, the shortcut can be activated with echo events.

void add_submenu_item(label: String, submenu: String, id: int = -1) πŸ”—

Deprecated: Prefer using add_submenu_node_item instead.

Adds an item that will act as a submenu of the parent PopupMenu node when clicked. The submenu argument must be the name of an existing PopupMenu that has been added as a child to this node. This submenu will be shown when the item is clicked, hovered for long enough, or activated using the ui_select or ui_right input actions.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

void add_submenu_node_item(label: String, submenu: PopupMenu, id: int = -1) πŸ”—

Adds an item that will act as a submenu of the parent PopupMenu node when clicked. This submenu will be shown when the item is clicked, hovered for long enough, or activated using the ui_select or ui_right input actions.

submenu must be either child of this PopupMenu or has no parent node (in which case it will be automatically added as a child). If the submenu popup has another parent, this method will fail.

An id can optionally be provided. If no id is provided, one will be created from the index.

void clear(free_submenus: bool = false) πŸ”—

Removes all items from the PopupMenu. If free_submenus is true, the submenu nodes are automatically freed.

int get_focused_item() const πŸ”—

Returns the index of the currently focused item. Returns -1 if no item is focused.

Key get_item_accelerator(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the accelerator of the item at the given index. An accelerator is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. The return value is an integer which is generally a combination of KeyModifierMasks and Keys using bitwise OR such as KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A (Ctrl + A). If no accelerator is defined for the specified index, get_item_accelerator returns 0 (corresponding to @GlobalScope.KEY_NONE).

Texture2D get_item_icon(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the icon of the item at the given index.

int get_item_icon_max_width(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the maximum allowed width of the icon for the item at the given index.

Color get_item_icon_modulate(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns a Color modulating the item's icon at the given index.

int get_item_id(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the ID of the item at the given index. id can be manually assigned, while index can not.

int get_item_indent(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the horizontal offset of the item at the given index.

int get_item_index(id: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the index of the item containing the specified id. Index is automatically assigned to each item by the engine and can not be set manually.

String get_item_language(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns item's text language code.

Variant get_item_metadata(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the metadata of the specified item, which might be of any type. You can set it with set_item_metadata, which provides a simple way of assigning context data to items.

int get_item_multistate(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the state of the item at the given index.

int get_item_multistate_max(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the max states of the item at the given index.

Shortcut get_item_shortcut(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the Shortcut associated with the item at the given index.

String get_item_submenu(index: int) const πŸ”—

Deprecated: Prefer using get_item_submenu_node instead.

Returns the submenu name of the item at the given index. See add_submenu_item for more info on how to add a submenu.

PopupMenu get_item_submenu_node(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the submenu of the item at the given index, or null if no submenu was added. See add_submenu_node_item for more info on how to add a submenu.

String get_item_text(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the text of the item at the given index.

TextDirection get_item_text_direction(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns item's text base writing direction.

String get_item_tooltip(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns the tooltip associated with the item at the given index.

bool is_item_checkable(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the item at the given index is checkable in some way, i.e. if it has a checkbox or radio button.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark or radio button, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually.

bool is_item_checked(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the item at the given index is checked.

bool is_item_disabled(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the item at the given index is disabled. When it is disabled it can't be selected, or its action invoked.

See set_item_disabled for more info on how to disable an item.

bool is_item_radio_checkable(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the item at the given index has radio button-style checkability.

Note: This is purely cosmetic; you must add the logic for checking/unchecking items in radio groups.

bool is_item_separator(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the item is a separator. If it is, it will be displayed as a line. See add_separator for more info on how to add a separator.

bool is_item_shortcut_disabled(index: int) const πŸ”—

Returns true if the specified item's shortcut is disabled.

bool is_native_menu() const πŸ”—

Returns true if the system native menu is supported and currently used by this PopupMenu.

bool is_system_menu() const πŸ”—

Returns true if the menu is bound to the special system menu.

void remove_item(index: int) πŸ”—

Removes the item at the given index from the menu.

Note: The indices of items after the removed item will be shifted by one.

void scroll_to_item(index: int) πŸ”—

Moves the scroll view to make the item at the given index visible.

void set_focused_item(index: int) πŸ”—

Sets the currently focused item as the given index.

Passing -1 as the index makes so that no item is focused.

void set_item_accelerator(index: int, accel: Key) πŸ”—

Sets the accelerator of the item at the given index. An accelerator is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to trigger the menu button even if it's not currently open. accel is generally a combination of KeyModifierMasks and Keys using bitwise OR such as KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_A (Ctrl + A).

void set_item_as_checkable(index: int, enable: bool) πŸ”—

Sets whether the item at the given index has a checkbox. If false, sets the type of the item to plain text.

Note: Checkable items just display a checkmark, but don't have any built-in checking behavior and must be checked/unchecked manually.

void set_item_as_radio_checkable(index: int, enable: bool) πŸ”—

Sets the type of the item at the given index to radio button. If false, sets the type of the item to plain text.

void set_item_as_separator(index: int, enable: bool) πŸ”—

Mark the item at the given index as a separator, which means that it would be displayed as a line. If false, sets the type of the item to plain text.

void set_item_checked(index: int, checked: bool) πŸ”—

Sets the checkstate status of the item at the given index.

void set_item_disabled(index: int, disabled: bool) πŸ”—

Enables/disables the item at the given index. When it is disabled, it can't be selected and its action can't be invoked.

void set_item_icon(index: int, icon: Texture2D) πŸ”—

Replaces the Texture2D icon of the item at the given index.

void set_item_icon_max_width(index: int, width: int) πŸ”—

Sets the maximum allowed width of the icon for the item at the given index. This limit is applied on top of the default size of the icon and on top of icon_max_width. The height is adjusted according to the icon's ratio.

void set_item_icon_modulate(index: int, modulate: Color) πŸ”—

Sets a modulating Color of the item's icon at the given index.

void set_item_id(index: int, id: int) πŸ”—

Sets the id of the item at the given index.

The id is used in id_pressed and id_focused signals.

void set_item_indent(index: int, indent: int) πŸ”—

Sets the horizontal offset of the item at the given index.

void set_item_language(index: int, language: String) πŸ”—

Sets language code of item's text used for line-breaking and text shaping algorithms, if left empty current locale is used instead.

void set_item_metadata(index: int, metadata: Variant) πŸ”—

Sets the metadata of an item, which may be of any type. You can later get it with get_item_metadata, which provides a simple way of assigning context data to items.

void set_item_multistate(index: int, state: int) πŸ”—

Sets the state of a multistate item. See add_multistate_item for details.

void set_item_multistate_max(index: int, max_states: int) πŸ”—

Sets the max states of a multistate item. See add_multistate_item for details.

void set_item_shortcut(index: int, shortcut: Shortcut, global: bool = false) πŸ”—

Sets a Shortcut for the item at the given index.

void set_item_shortcut_disabled(index: int, disabled: bool) πŸ”—

Disables the Shortcut of the item at the given index.

void set_item_submenu(index: int, submenu: String) πŸ”—

Deprecated: Prefer using set_item_submenu_node instead.

Sets the submenu of the item at the given index. The submenu is the name of a child PopupMenu node that would be shown when the item is clicked.

void set_item_submenu_node(index: int, submenu: PopupMenu) πŸ”—

Sets the submenu of the item at the given index. The submenu is a PopupMenu node that would be shown when the item is clicked. It must either be a child of this PopupMenu or has no parent (in which case it will be automatically added as a child). If the submenu popup has another parent, this method will fail.

void set_item_text(index: int, text: String) πŸ”—

Sets the text of the item at the given index.

void set_item_text_direction(index: int, direction: TextDirection) πŸ”—

Sets item's text base writing direction.

void set_item_tooltip(index: int, tooltip: String) πŸ”—

Sets the String tooltip of the item at the given index.

void toggle_item_checked(index: int) πŸ”—

Toggles the check state of the item at the given index.

void toggle_item_multistate(index: int) πŸ”—

Cycle to the next state of a multistate item. See add_multistate_item for details.

Theme Property DescriptionsΒΆ

Color font_accelerator_color = Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8) πŸ”—

The text Color used for shortcuts and accelerators that show next to the menu item name when defined. See get_item_accelerator for more info on accelerators.

Color font_color = Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1) πŸ”—

The default text Color for menu items' names.

Color font_disabled_color = Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8) πŸ”—

Color used for disabled menu items' text.

Color font_hover_color = Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1) πŸ”—

Color used for the hovered text.

Color font_outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) πŸ”—

The tint of text outline of the menu item.

Color font_separator_color = Color(0.875, 0.875, 0.875, 1) πŸ”—

Color used for labeled separators' text. See add_separator.

Color font_separator_outline_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) πŸ”—

The tint of text outline of the labeled separator.

int h_separation = 4 πŸ”—

The horizontal space between the item's elements.

int icon_max_width = 0 πŸ”—

The maximum allowed width of the item's icon. This limit is applied on top of the default size of the icon, but before the value set with set_item_icon_max_width. The height is adjusted according to the icon's ratio.

int indent = 10 πŸ”—

Width of the single indentation level.

int item_end_padding = 2 πŸ”—

Horizontal padding to the right of the items (or left, in RTL layout).

int item_start_padding = 2 πŸ”—

Horizontal padding to the left of the items (or right, in RTL layout).

int outline_size = 0 πŸ”—

The size of the item text outline.

Note: If using a font with FontFile.multichannel_signed_distance_field enabled, its FontFile.msdf_pixel_range must be set to at least twice the value of outline_size for outline rendering to look correct. Otherwise, the outline may appear to be cut off earlier than intended.

int separator_outline_size = 0 πŸ”—

The size of the labeled separator text outline.

int v_separation = 4 πŸ”—

The vertical space between each menu item.

Font font πŸ”—

Font used for the menu items.

Font font_separator πŸ”—

Font used for the labeled separator.

int font_separator_size πŸ”—

Font size of the labeled separator.

int font_size πŸ”—

Font size of the menu items.

Texture2D checked πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the checked checkbox items.

Texture2D checked_disabled πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the checked checkbox items when they are disabled.

Texture2D radio_checked πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the checked radio button items.

Texture2D radio_checked_disabled πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the checked radio button items when they are disabled.

Texture2D radio_unchecked πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the unchecked radio button items.

Texture2D radio_unchecked_disabled πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the unchecked radio button items when they are disabled.

Texture2D submenu πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the submenu arrow (for left-to-right layouts).

Texture2D submenu_mirrored πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the submenu arrow (for right-to-left layouts).

Texture2D unchecked πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the unchecked checkbox items.

Texture2D unchecked_disabled πŸ”—

Texture2D icon for the unchecked checkbox items when they are disabled.

StyleBox hover πŸ”—

StyleBox displayed when the PopupMenu item is hovered.

StyleBox labeled_separator_left πŸ”—

StyleBox for the left side of labeled separator. See add_separator.

StyleBox labeled_separator_right πŸ”—

StyleBox for the right side of labeled separator. See add_separator.

StyleBox panel πŸ”—

StyleBox for the the background panel.

StyleBox separator πŸ”—

StyleBox used for the separators. See add_separator.