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Inherits: RefCounted < Object
Inherited By: TextServerExtension
A server interface for font management and text rendering.
TextServer is the API backend for managing fonts and rendering text.
Note: This is a low-level API, consider using TextLine, TextParagraph, and Font classes instead.
This is an abstract class, so to get the currently active TextServer instance, use the following code:
var ts = TextServerManager.get_primary_interface()
var ts = TextServerManager.GetPrimaryInterface();
enum FontAntialiasing: ๐
Font glyphs are rasterized as 1-bit bitmaps.
Font glyphs are rasterized as 8-bit grayscale anti-aliased bitmaps.
FontAntialiasing FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD = 2
Font glyphs are rasterized for LCD screens.
LCD subpixel layout is determined by the value of gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout
project settings.
LCD subpixel anti-aliasing mode is suitable only for rendering horizontal, unscaled text in 2D.
enum FontLCDSubpixelLayout: ๐
Unknown or unsupported subpixel layout, LCD subpixel antialiasing is disabled.
Horizontal RGB subpixel layout.
Horizontal BGR subpixel layout.
Vertical RGB subpixel layout.
Vertical BGR subpixel layout.
Represents the size of the FontLCDSubpixelLayout enum.
enum Direction: ๐
Direction DIRECTION_AUTO = 0
Text direction is determined based on contents and current locale.
Direction DIRECTION_LTR = 1
Text is written from left to right.
Direction DIRECTION_RTL = 2
Text is written from right to left.
Text writing direction is the same as base string writing direction. Used for BiDi override only.
enum Orientation: ๐
Text is written horizontally.
Left to right text is written vertically from top to bottom.
Right to left text is written vertically from bottom to top.
flags JustificationFlag: ๐
JustificationFlag JUSTIFICATION_NONE = 0
Do not justify text.
Justify text by adding and removing kashidas.
Justify text by changing width of the spaces between the words.
Remove trailing and leading spaces from the justified text.
Only apply justification to the part of the text after the last tab.
Apply justification to the trimmed line with ellipsis.
Do not apply justification to the last line of the paragraph.
Do not apply justification to the last line of the paragraph with visible characters (takes precedence over JUSTIFICATION_SKIP_LAST_LINE).
Always apply justification to the paragraphs with a single line (JUSTIFICATION_SKIP_LAST_LINE and JUSTIFICATION_SKIP_LAST_LINE_WITH_VISIBLE_CHARS are ignored).
enum AutowrapMode: ๐
AutowrapMode AUTOWRAP_OFF = 0
Autowrap is disabled.
Wraps the text inside the node's bounding rectangle by allowing to break lines at arbitrary positions, which is useful when very limited space is available.
AutowrapMode AUTOWRAP_WORD = 2
Wraps the text inside the node's bounding rectangle by soft-breaking between words.
Behaves similarly to AUTOWRAP_WORD, but force-breaks a word if that single word does not fit in one line.
flags LineBreakFlag: ๐
LineBreakFlag BREAK_NONE = 0
Do not break the line.
Break the line at the line mandatory break characters (e.g. "\n"
LineBreakFlag BREAK_WORD_BOUND = 2
Break the line between the words.
Break the line between any unconnected graphemes.
LineBreakFlag BREAK_ADAPTIVE = 8
Should be used only in conjunction with BREAK_WORD_BOUND, break the line between any unconnected graphemes, if it's impossible to break it between the words.
Remove edge spaces from the broken line segments.
LineBreakFlag BREAK_TRIM_INDENT = 32
Subtract first line indentation width from all lines after the first one.
enum VisibleCharactersBehavior: ๐
VisibleCharactersBehavior VC_CHARS_BEFORE_SHAPING = 0
Trims text before the shaping. e.g, increasing Label.visible_characters or RichTextLabel.visible_characters value is visually identical to typing the text.
Note: In this mode, trimmed text is not processed at all. It is not accounted for in line breaking and size calculations.
VisibleCharactersBehavior VC_CHARS_AFTER_SHAPING = 1
Displays glyphs that are mapped to the first Label.visible_characters or RichTextLabel.visible_characters characters from the beginning of the text.
VisibleCharactersBehavior VC_GLYPHS_AUTO = 2
Displays Label.visible_ratio or RichTextLabel.visible_ratio glyphs, starting from the left or from the right, depending on Control.layout_direction value.
VisibleCharactersBehavior VC_GLYPHS_LTR = 3
Displays Label.visible_ratio or RichTextLabel.visible_ratio glyphs, starting from the left.
VisibleCharactersBehavior VC_GLYPHS_RTL = 4
Displays Label.visible_ratio or RichTextLabel.visible_ratio glyphs, starting from the right.
enum OverrunBehavior: ๐
OverrunBehavior OVERRUN_NO_TRIMMING = 0
No text trimming is performed.
OverrunBehavior OVERRUN_TRIM_CHAR = 1
Trims the text per character.
OverrunBehavior OVERRUN_TRIM_WORD = 2
Trims the text per word.
Trims the text per character and adds an ellipsis to indicate that parts are hidden.
Trims the text per word and adds an ellipsis to indicate that parts are hidden.
flags TextOverrunFlag: ๐
TextOverrunFlag OVERRUN_NO_TRIM = 0
No trimming is performed.
TextOverrunFlag OVERRUN_TRIM = 1
Trims the text when it exceeds the given width.
Trims the text per word instead of per grapheme.
Determines whether an ellipsis should be added at the end of the text.
Determines whether the ellipsis at the end of the text is enforced and may not be hidden.
Accounts for the text being justified before attempting to trim it (see JustificationFlag).
flags GraphemeFlag: ๐
GraphemeFlag GRAPHEME_IS_VALID = 1
Grapheme is supported by the font, and can be drawn.
GraphemeFlag GRAPHEME_IS_RTL = 2
Grapheme is part of right-to-left or bottom-to-top run.
Grapheme is not part of source text, it was added by justification process.
GraphemeFlag GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE = 8
Grapheme is whitespace.
Grapheme is mandatory break point (e.g. "\n"
Grapheme is optional break point (e.g. space).
GraphemeFlag GRAPHEME_IS_TAB = 64
Grapheme is the tabulation character.
Grapheme is kashida.
Grapheme is punctuation character.
Grapheme is underscore character.
Grapheme is connected to the previous grapheme. Breaking line before this grapheme is not safe.
It is safe to insert a U+0640 before this grapheme for elongation.
Grapheme is an object replacement character for the embedded object.
Grapheme is a soft hyphen.
enum Hinting: ๐
Hinting HINTING_NONE = 0
Disables font hinting (smoother but less crisp).
Use the light font hinting mode.
Use the default font hinting mode (crisper but less smooth).
Note: This hinting mode changes both horizontal and vertical glyph metrics. If applied to monospace font, some glyphs might have different width.
enum SubpixelPositioning: ๐
Glyph horizontal position is rounded to the whole pixel size, each glyph is rasterized once.
Glyph horizontal position is rounded based on font size.
To one quarter of the pixel size if font size is smaller or equal to SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE.
To one half of the pixel size if font size is smaller or equal to SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE.
To the whole pixel size for larger fonts.
Glyph horizontal position is rounded to one half of the pixel size, each glyph is rasterized up to two times.
Glyph horizontal position is rounded to one quarter of the pixel size, each glyph is rasterized up to four times.
Maximum font size which will use one half of the pixel subpixel positioning in SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO mode.
Maximum font size which will use one quarter of the pixel subpixel positioning in SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO mode.
enum Feature: ๐
TextServer supports simple text layouts.
TextServer supports bidirectional text layouts.
TextServer supports vertical layouts.
TextServer supports complex text shaping.
TextServer supports justification using kashidas.
TextServer supports complex line/word breaking rules (e.g. dictionary based).
TextServer supports loading bitmap fonts.
TextServer supports loading dynamic (TrueType, OpeType, etc.) fonts.
TextServer supports multichannel signed distance field dynamic font rendering.
TextServer supports loading system fonts.
TextServer supports variable fonts.
TextServer supports locale dependent and context sensitive case conversion.
TextServer require external data file for some features, see load_support_data.
TextServer supports UAX #31 identifier validation, see is_valid_identifier.
TextServer supports Unicode Technical Report #36 and Unicode Technical Standard #39 based spoof detection features.
enum ContourPointTag: ๐
ContourPointTag CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_ON = 1
Contour point is on the curve.
Contour point isn't on the curve, but serves as a control point for a conic (quadratic) Bรฉzier arc.
Contour point isn't on the curve, but serves as a control point for a cubic Bรฉzier arc.
enum SpacingType: ๐
SpacingType SPACING_GLYPH = 0
Spacing for each glyph.
SpacingType SPACING_SPACE = 1
Spacing for the space character.
SpacingType SPACING_TOP = 2
Spacing at the top of the line.
SpacingType SPACING_BOTTOM = 3
Spacing at the bottom of the line.
SpacingType SPACING_MAX = 4
Represents the size of the SpacingType enum.
flags FontStyle: ๐
FontStyle FONT_BOLD = 1
Font is bold.
FontStyle FONT_ITALIC = 2
Font is italic or oblique.
Font have fixed-width characters.
enum StructuredTextParser: ๐
StructuredTextParser STRUCTURED_TEXT_DEFAULT = 0
Use default Unicode BiDi algorithm.
StructuredTextParser STRUCTURED_TEXT_URI = 1
BiDi override for URI.
StructuredTextParser STRUCTURED_TEXT_FILE = 2
BiDi override for file path.
StructuredTextParser STRUCTURED_TEXT_EMAIL = 3
BiDi override for email.
StructuredTextParser STRUCTURED_TEXT_LIST = 4
BiDi override for lists. Structured text options: list separator String.
BiDi override for GDScript.
StructuredTextParser STRUCTURED_TEXT_CUSTOM = 6
User defined structured text BiDi override function.
enum FixedSizeScaleMode: ๐
Bitmap font is not scaled.
Bitmap font is scaled to the closest integer multiple of the font's fixed size. This is the recommended option for pixel art fonts.
Bitmap font is scaled to an arbitrary (fractional) size. This is the recommended option for non-pixel art fonts.
Method Descriptionsยถ
Creates a new, empty font cache entry resource. To free the resulting resource, use the free_rid method.
RID create_font_linked_variation(font_rid: RID) ๐
Creates a new variation existing font which is reusing the same glyph cache and font data. To free the resulting resource, use the free_rid method.
RID create_shaped_text(direction: Direction = 0, orientation: Orientation = 0) ๐
Creates a new buffer for complex text layout, with the given direction
and orientation
. To free the resulting buffer, use free_rid method.
Note: Direction is ignored if server does not support FEATURE_BIDI_LAYOUT feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
Note: Orientation is ignored if server does not support FEATURE_VERTICAL_LAYOUT feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
void draw_hex_code_box(canvas: RID, size: int, pos: Vector2, index: int, color: Color) const ๐
Draws box displaying character hexadecimal code. Used for replacing missing characters.
void font_clear_glyphs(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i) ๐
Removes all rendered glyph information from the cache entry.
Note: This function will not remove textures associated with the glyphs, use font_remove_texture to remove them manually.
void font_clear_kerning_map(font_rid: RID, size: int) ๐
Removes all kerning overrides.
void font_clear_size_cache(font_rid: RID) ๐
Removes all font sizes from the cache entry.
void font_clear_textures(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i) ๐
Removes all textures from font cache entry.
Note: This function will not remove glyphs associated with the texture, use font_remove_glyph to remove them manually.
void font_draw_glyph(font_rid: RID, canvas: RID, size: int, pos: Vector2, index: int, color: Color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) const ๐
Draws single glyph into a canvas item at the position, using font_rid
at the size size
Note: Glyph index is specific to the font, use glyphs indices returned by shaped_text_get_glyphs or font_get_glyph_index.
Note: If there are pending glyphs to render, calling this function might trigger the texture cache update.
void font_draw_glyph_outline(font_rid: RID, canvas: RID, size: int, outline_size: int, pos: Vector2, index: int, color: Color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) const ๐
Draws single glyph outline of size outline_size
into a canvas item at the position, using font_rid
at the size size
Note: Glyph index is specific to the font, use glyphs indices returned by shaped_text_get_glyphs or font_get_glyph_index.
Note: If there are pending glyphs to render, calling this function might trigger the texture cache update.
FontAntialiasing font_get_antialiasing(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font anti-aliasing mode.
float font_get_ascent(font_rid: RID, size: int) const ๐
Returns the font ascent (number of pixels above the baseline).
float font_get_baseline_offset(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns extra baseline offset (as a fraction of font height).
int font_get_char_from_glyph_index(font_rid: RID, size: int, glyph_index: int) const ๐
Returns character code associated with glyph_index
, or 0
if glyph_index
is invalid. See font_get_glyph_index.
float font_get_descent(font_rid: RID, size: int) const ๐
Returns the font descent (number of pixels below the baseline).
bool font_get_disable_embedded_bitmaps(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns whether the font's embedded bitmap loading is disabled.
float font_get_embolden(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font embolden strength.
int font_get_face_count(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns number of faces in the TrueType / OpenType collection.
int font_get_face_index(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns an active face index in the TrueType / OpenType collection.
int font_get_fixed_size(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns bitmap font fixed size.
FixedSizeScaleMode font_get_fixed_size_scale_mode(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns bitmap font scaling mode.
bool font_get_generate_mipmaps(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if font texture mipmap generation is enabled.
float font_get_global_oversampling() const ๐
Returns the font oversampling factor, shared by all fonts in the TextServer.
Vector2 font_get_glyph_advance(font_rid: RID, size: int, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns glyph advance (offset of the next glyph).
Note: Advance for glyphs outlines is the same as the base glyph advance and is not saved.
Dictionary font_get_glyph_contours(font: RID, size: int, index: int) const ๐
Returns outline contours of the glyph as a Dictionary with the following contents:
- PackedVector3Array, containing outline points. x
and y
are point coordinates. z
is the type of the point, using the ContourPointTag values.
- PackedInt32Array, containing indices the end points of each contour.
- bool, contour orientation. If true
, clockwise contours must be filled.
Two successive CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_ON points indicate a line segment.
One CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_OFF_CONIC point between two CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_ON points indicates a single conic (quadratic) Bรฉzier arc.
Two CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_OFF_CUBIC points between two CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_ON points indicate a single cubic Bรฉzier arc.
Two successive CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_OFF_CONIC points indicate two successive conic (quadratic) Bรฉzier arcs with a virtual CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_ON point at their middle.
Each contour is closed. The last point of a contour uses the first point of a contour as its next point, and vice versa. The first point can be CONTOUR_CURVE_TAG_OFF_CONIC point.
int font_get_glyph_index(font_rid: RID, size: int, char: int, variation_selector: int) const ๐
Returns the glyph index of a char
, optionally modified by the variation_selector
. See font_get_char_from_glyph_index.
PackedInt32Array font_get_glyph_list(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i) const ๐
Returns list of rendered glyphs in the cache entry.
Vector2 font_get_glyph_offset(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns glyph offset from the baseline.
Vector2 font_get_glyph_size(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns size of the glyph.
int font_get_glyph_texture_idx(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns index of the cache texture containing the glyph.
RID font_get_glyph_texture_rid(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns resource ID of the cache texture containing the glyph.
Note: If there are pending glyphs to render, calling this function might trigger the texture cache update.
Vector2 font_get_glyph_texture_size(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns size of the cache texture containing the glyph.
Note: If there are pending glyphs to render, calling this function might trigger the texture cache update.
Rect2 font_get_glyph_uv_rect(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) const ๐
Returns rectangle in the cache texture containing the glyph.
Hinting font_get_hinting(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns the font hinting mode. Used by dynamic fonts only.
bool font_get_keep_rounding_remainders(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns glyph position rounding behavior. If set to true
, when aligning glyphs to the pixel boundaries rounding remainders are accumulated to ensure more uniform glyph distribution. This setting has no effect if subpixel positioning is enabled.
Vector2 font_get_kerning(font_rid: RID, size: int, glyph_pair: Vector2i) const ๐
Returns kerning for the pair of glyphs.
Array[Vector2i] font_get_kerning_list(font_rid: RID, size: int) const ๐
Returns list of the kerning overrides.
bool font_get_language_support_override(font_rid: RID, language: String) ๐
Returns true
if support override is enabled for the language
PackedStringArray font_get_language_support_overrides(font_rid: RID) ๐
Returns list of language support overrides.
FontLCDSubpixelLayout font_get_lcd_subpixel_layout(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns the LCD subpixel layout used for font anti-aliasing. See FontLCDSubpixelLayout.
int font_get_msdf_pixel_range(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns the width of the range around the shape between the minimum and maximum representable signed distance.
int font_get_msdf_size(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns source font size used to generate MSDF textures.
String font_get_name(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font family name.
Dictionary font_get_opentype_feature_overrides(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font OpenType feature set override.
Dictionary font_get_ot_name_strings(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns Dictionary with OpenType font name strings (localized font names, version, description, license information, sample text, etc.).
float font_get_oversampling(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font oversampling factor, if set to 0.0
global oversampling factor is used instead. Used by dynamic fonts only.
float font_get_scale(font_rid: RID, size: int) const ๐
Returns scaling factor of the color bitmap font.
bool font_get_script_support_override(font_rid: RID, script: String) ๐
Returns true
if support override is enabled for the script
PackedStringArray font_get_script_support_overrides(font_rid: RID) ๐
Returns list of script support overrides.
Array[Vector2i] font_get_size_cache_list(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns list of the font sizes in the cache. Each size is Vector2i with font size and outline size.
int font_get_spacing(font_rid: RID, spacing: SpacingType) const ๐
Returns the spacing for spacing
(see SpacingType) in pixels (not relative to the font size).
int font_get_stretch(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font stretch amount, compared to a normal width. A percentage value between 50%
and 200%
BitField[FontStyle] font_get_style(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font style flags, see FontStyle.
String font_get_style_name(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font style name.
SubpixelPositioning font_get_subpixel_positioning(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns font subpixel glyph positioning mode.
String font_get_supported_chars(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns a string containing all the characters available in the font.
PackedInt32Array font_get_supported_glyphs(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns an array containing all glyph indices in the font.
int font_get_texture_count(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i) const ๐
Returns number of textures used by font cache entry.
Image font_get_texture_image(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, texture_index: int) const ๐
Returns font cache texture image data.
PackedInt32Array font_get_texture_offsets(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, texture_index: int) const ๐
Returns array containing glyph packing data.
Transform2D font_get_transform(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns 2D transform applied to the font outlines.
float font_get_underline_position(font_rid: RID, size: int) const ๐
Returns pixel offset of the underline below the baseline.
float font_get_underline_thickness(font_rid: RID, size: int) const ๐
Returns thickness of the underline in pixels.
Dictionary font_get_variation_coordinates(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns variation coordinates for the specified font cache entry. See font_supported_variation_list for more info.
int font_get_weight(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns weight (boldness) of the font. A value in the 100...999
range, normal font weight is 400
, bold font weight is 700
bool font_has_char(font_rid: RID, char: int) const ๐
Returns true
if a Unicode char
is available in the font.
bool font_is_allow_system_fallback(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if system fonts can be automatically used as fallbacks.
bool font_is_force_autohinter(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if auto-hinting is supported and preferred over font built-in hinting. Used by dynamic fonts only.
bool font_is_language_supported(font_rid: RID, language: String) const ๐
Returns true
, if font supports given language (ISO 639 code).
bool font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if glyphs of all sizes are rendered using single multichannel signed distance field generated from the dynamic font vector data.
bool font_is_script_supported(font_rid: RID, script: String) const ๐
Returns true
, if font supports given script (ISO 15924 code).
void font_remove_glyph(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int) ๐
Removes specified rendered glyph information from the cache entry.
Note: This function will not remove textures associated with the glyphs, use font_remove_texture to remove them manually.
void font_remove_kerning(font_rid: RID, size: int, glyph_pair: Vector2i) ๐
Removes kerning override for the pair of glyphs.
void font_remove_language_support_override(font_rid: RID, language: String) ๐
Remove language support override.
void font_remove_script_support_override(font_rid: RID, script: String) ๐
Removes script support override.
void font_remove_size_cache(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i) ๐
Removes specified font size from the cache entry.
void font_remove_texture(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, texture_index: int) ๐
Removes specified texture from the cache entry.
Note: This function will not remove glyphs associated with the texture, remove them manually, using font_remove_glyph.
void font_render_glyph(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, index: int) ๐
Renders specified glyph to the font cache texture.
void font_render_range(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, start: int, end: int) ๐
Renders the range of characters to the font cache texture.
void font_set_allow_system_fallback(font_rid: RID, allow_system_fallback: bool) ๐
If set to true
, system fonts can be automatically used as fallbacks.
void font_set_antialiasing(font_rid: RID, antialiasing: FontAntialiasing) ๐
Sets font anti-aliasing mode.
void font_set_ascent(font_rid: RID, size: int, ascent: float) ๐
Sets the font ascent (number of pixels above the baseline).
void font_set_baseline_offset(font_rid: RID, baseline_offset: float) ๐
Sets extra baseline offset (as a fraction of font height).
void font_set_data(font_rid: RID, data: PackedByteArray) ๐
Sets font source data, e.g contents of the dynamic font source file.
void font_set_descent(font_rid: RID, size: int, descent: float) ๐
Sets the font descent (number of pixels below the baseline).
void font_set_disable_embedded_bitmaps(font_rid: RID, disable_embedded_bitmaps: bool) ๐
If set to true
, embedded font bitmap loading is disabled (bitmap-only and color fonts ignore this property).
void font_set_embolden(font_rid: RID, strength: float) ๐
Sets font embolden strength. If strength
is not equal to zero, emboldens the font outlines. Negative values reduce the outline thickness.
void font_set_face_index(font_rid: RID, face_index: int) ๐
Sets an active face index in the TrueType / OpenType collection.
void font_set_fixed_size(font_rid: RID, fixed_size: int) ๐
Sets bitmap font fixed size. If set to value greater than zero, same cache entry will be used for all font sizes.
void font_set_fixed_size_scale_mode(font_rid: RID, fixed_size_scale_mode: FixedSizeScaleMode) ๐
Sets bitmap font scaling mode. This property is used only if fixed_size
is greater than zero.
void font_set_force_autohinter(font_rid: RID, force_autohinter: bool) ๐
If set to true
auto-hinting is preferred over font built-in hinting.
void font_set_generate_mipmaps(font_rid: RID, generate_mipmaps: bool) ๐
If set to true
font texture mipmap generation is enabled.
void font_set_global_oversampling(oversampling: float) ๐
Sets oversampling factor, shared by all font in the TextServer.
Note: This value can be automatically changed by display server.
void font_set_glyph_advance(font_rid: RID, size: int, glyph: int, advance: Vector2) ๐
Sets glyph advance (offset of the next glyph).
Note: Advance for glyphs outlines is the same as the base glyph advance and is not saved.
void font_set_glyph_offset(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int, offset: Vector2) ๐
Sets glyph offset from the baseline.
void font_set_glyph_size(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int, gl_size: Vector2) ๐
Sets size of the glyph.
void font_set_glyph_texture_idx(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int, texture_idx: int) ๐
Sets index of the cache texture containing the glyph.
void font_set_glyph_uv_rect(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, glyph: int, uv_rect: Rect2) ๐
Sets rectangle in the cache texture containing the glyph.
void font_set_hinting(font_rid: RID, hinting: Hinting) ๐
Sets font hinting mode. Used by dynamic fonts only.
void font_set_keep_rounding_remainders(font_rid: RID, keep_rounding_remainders: bool) ๐
Sets glyph position rounding behavior. If set to true
, when aligning glyphs to the pixel boundaries rounding remainders are accumulated to ensure more uniform glyph distribution. This setting has no effect if subpixel positioning is enabled.
void font_set_kerning(font_rid: RID, size: int, glyph_pair: Vector2i, kerning: Vector2) ๐
Sets kerning for the pair of glyphs.
void font_set_language_support_override(font_rid: RID, language: String, supported: bool) ๐
Adds override for font_is_language_supported.
void font_set_lcd_subpixel_layout(font_rid: RID, lcd_subpixel_layout: FontLCDSubpixelLayout) ๐
Sets the LCD subpixel layout used for font anti-aliasing. See FontLCDSubpixelLayout.
void font_set_msdf_pixel_range(font_rid: RID, msdf_pixel_range: int) ๐
Sets the width of the range around the shape between the minimum and maximum representable signed distance.
void font_set_msdf_size(font_rid: RID, msdf_size: int) ๐
Sets source font size used to generate MSDF textures.
void font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(font_rid: RID, msdf: bool) ๐
If set to true
, glyphs of all sizes are rendered using single multichannel signed distance field generated from the dynamic font vector data. MSDF rendering allows displaying the font at any scaling factor without blurriness, and without incurring a CPU cost when the font size changes (since the font no longer needs to be rasterized on the CPU). As a downside, font hinting is not available with MSDF. The lack of font hinting may result in less crisp and less readable fonts at small sizes.
Note: MSDF font rendering does not render glyphs with overlapping shapes correctly. Overlapping shapes are not valid per the OpenType standard, but are still commonly found in many font files, especially those converted by Google Fonts. To avoid issues with overlapping glyphs, consider downloading the font file directly from the type foundry instead of relying on Google Fonts.
void font_set_name(font_rid: RID, name: String) ๐
Sets the font family name.
void font_set_opentype_feature_overrides(font_rid: RID, overrides: Dictionary) ๐
Sets font OpenType feature set override.
void font_set_oversampling(font_rid: RID, oversampling: float) ๐
Sets font oversampling factor, if set to 0.0
global oversampling factor is used instead. Used by dynamic fonts only.
void font_set_scale(font_rid: RID, size: int, scale: float) ๐
Sets scaling factor of the color bitmap font.
void font_set_script_support_override(font_rid: RID, script: String, supported: bool) ๐
Adds override for font_is_script_supported.
void font_set_spacing(font_rid: RID, spacing: SpacingType, value: int) ๐
Sets the spacing for spacing
(see SpacingType) to value
in pixels (not relative to the font size).
void font_set_stretch(font_rid: RID, weight: int) ๐
Sets font stretch amount, compared to a normal width. A percentage value between 50%
and 200%
Note: This value is used for font matching only and will not affect font rendering. Use font_set_face_index, font_set_variation_coordinates, or font_set_transform instead.
void font_set_style(font_rid: RID, style: BitField[FontStyle]) ๐
Sets the font style flags, see FontStyle.
Note: This value is used for font matching only and will not affect font rendering. Use font_set_face_index, font_set_variation_coordinates, font_set_embolden, or font_set_transform instead.
void font_set_style_name(font_rid: RID, name: String) ๐
Sets the font style name.
void font_set_subpixel_positioning(font_rid: RID, subpixel_positioning: SubpixelPositioning) ๐
Sets font subpixel glyph positioning mode.
void font_set_texture_image(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, texture_index: int, image: Image) ๐
Sets font cache texture image data.
void font_set_texture_offsets(font_rid: RID, size: Vector2i, texture_index: int, offset: PackedInt32Array) ๐
Sets array containing glyph packing data.
void font_set_transform(font_rid: RID, transform: Transform2D) ๐
Sets 2D transform, applied to the font outlines, can be used for slanting, flipping, and rotating glyphs.
For example, to simulate italic typeface by slanting, apply the following transform Transform2D(1.0, slant, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
void font_set_underline_position(font_rid: RID, size: int, underline_position: float) ๐
Sets pixel offset of the underline below the baseline.
void font_set_underline_thickness(font_rid: RID, size: int, underline_thickness: float) ๐
Sets thickness of the underline in pixels.
void font_set_variation_coordinates(font_rid: RID, variation_coordinates: Dictionary) ๐
Sets variation coordinates for the specified font cache entry. See font_supported_variation_list for more info.
void font_set_weight(font_rid: RID, weight: int) ๐
Sets weight (boldness) of the font. A value in the 100...999
range, normal font weight is 400
, bold font weight is 700
Note: This value is used for font matching only and will not affect font rendering. Use font_set_face_index, font_set_variation_coordinates, or font_set_embolden instead.
Dictionary font_supported_feature_list(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns the dictionary of the supported OpenType features.
Dictionary font_supported_variation_list(font_rid: RID) const ๐
Returns the dictionary of the supported OpenType variation coordinates.
String format_number(number: String, language: String = "") const ๐
Converts a number from the Western Arabic (0..9) to the numeral systems used in language
If language
is omitted, the active locale will be used.
Frees an object created by this TextServer.
Returns text server features, see Feature.
Vector2 get_hex_code_box_size(size: int, index: int) const ๐
Returns size of the replacement character (box with character hexadecimal code that is drawn in place of invalid characters).
Returns the name of the server interface.
PackedByteArray get_support_data() const ๐
Returns default TextServer database (e.g. ICU break iterators and dictionaries).
String get_support_data_filename() const ๐
Returns default TextServer database (e.g. ICU break iterators and dictionaries) filename.
String get_support_data_info() const ๐
Returns TextServer database (e.g. ICU break iterators and dictionaries) description.
Returns true
if rid
is valid resource owned by this text server.
bool has_feature(feature: Feature) const ๐
Returns true
if the server supports a feature.
int is_confusable(string: String, dict: PackedStringArray) const ๐
Returns index of the first string in dict
which is visually confusable with the string
, or -1
if none is found.
Note: This method doesn't detect invisible characters, for spoof detection use it in combination with spoof_check.
Note: Always returns -1
if the server does not support the FEATURE_UNICODE_SECURITY feature.
bool is_locale_right_to_left(locale: String) const ๐
Returns true
if locale is right-to-left.
bool is_valid_identifier(string: String) const ๐
Returns true
if string
is a valid identifier.
If the text server supports the FEATURE_UNICODE_IDENTIFIERS feature, a valid identifier must:
Conform to normalization form C.
Begin with a Unicode character of class XID_Start or
.May contain Unicode characters of class XID_Continue in the other positions.
Use UAX #31 recommended scripts only (mixed scripts are allowed).
If the FEATURE_UNICODE_IDENTIFIERS feature is not supported, a valid identifier must:
Begin with a Unicode character of class XID_Start or
.May contain Unicode characters of class XID_Continue in the other positions.
bool is_valid_letter(unicode: int) const ๐
Returns true
if the given code point is a valid letter, i.e. it belongs to the Unicode category "L".
bool load_support_data(filename: String) ๐
Loads optional TextServer database (e.g. ICU break iterators and dictionaries).
Note: This function should be called before any other TextServer functions used, otherwise it won't have any effect.
int name_to_tag(name: String) const ๐
Converts readable feature, variation, script, or language name to OpenType tag.
String parse_number(number: String, language: String = "") const ๐
Converts number
from the numeral systems used in language
to Western Arabic (0..9).
Array[Vector3i] parse_structured_text(parser_type: StructuredTextParser, args: Array, text: String) const ๐
Default implementation of the BiDi algorithm override function. See StructuredTextParser for more info.
String percent_sign(language: String = "") const ๐
Returns percent sign used in the language
bool save_support_data(filename: String) const ๐
Saves optional TextServer database (e.g. ICU break iterators and dictionaries) to the file.
Note: This function is used by during project export, to include TextServer database.
int shaped_get_span_count(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns number of text spans added using shaped_text_add_string or shaped_text_add_object.
Variant shaped_get_span_embedded_object(shaped: RID, index: int) const ๐
Returns text embedded object key.
Variant shaped_get_span_meta(shaped: RID, index: int) const ๐
Returns text span metadata.
void shaped_set_span_update_font(shaped: RID, index: int, fonts: Array[RID], size: int, opentype_features: Dictionary = {}) ๐
Changes text span font, font size, and OpenType features, without changing the text.
bool shaped_text_add_object(shaped: RID, key: Variant, size: Vector2, inline_align: InlineAlignment = 5, length: int = 1, baseline: float = 0.0) ๐
Adds inline object to the text buffer, key
must be unique. In the text, object is represented as length
object replacement characters.
bool shaped_text_add_string(shaped: RID, text: String, fonts: Array[RID], size: int, opentype_features: Dictionary = {}, language: String = "", meta: Variant = null) ๐
Adds text span and font to draw it to the text buffer.
void shaped_text_clear(rid: RID) ๐
Clears text buffer (removes text and inline objects).
int shaped_text_closest_character_pos(shaped: RID, pos: int) const ๐
Returns composite character position closest to the pos
void shaped_text_draw(shaped: RID, canvas: RID, pos: Vector2, clip_l: float = -1, clip_r: float = -1, color: Color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) const ๐
Draw shaped text into a canvas item at a given position, with color
. pos
specifies the leftmost point of the baseline (for horizontal layout) or topmost point of the baseline (for vertical layout).
void shaped_text_draw_outline(shaped: RID, canvas: RID, pos: Vector2, clip_l: float = -1, clip_r: float = -1, outline_size: int = 1, color: Color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) const ๐
Draw the outline of the shaped text into a canvas item at a given position, with color
. pos
specifies the leftmost point of the baseline (for horizontal layout) or topmost point of the baseline (for vertical layout).
float shaped_text_fit_to_width(shaped: RID, width: float, justification_flags: BitField[JustificationFlag] = 3) ๐
Adjusts text width to fit to specified width, returns new text width.
float shaped_text_get_ascent(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns the text ascent (number of pixels above the baseline for horizontal layout or to the left of baseline for vertical).
Note: Overall ascent can be higher than font ascent, if some glyphs are displaced from the baseline.
Dictionary shaped_text_get_carets(shaped: RID, position: int) const ๐
Returns shapes of the carets corresponding to the character offset position
in the text. Returned caret shape is 1 pixel wide rectangle.
PackedInt32Array shaped_text_get_character_breaks(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns array of the composite character boundaries.
int shaped_text_get_custom_ellipsis(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns ellipsis character used for text clipping.
String shaped_text_get_custom_punctuation(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns custom punctuation character list, used for word breaking. If set to empty string, server defaults are used.
float shaped_text_get_descent(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns the text descent (number of pixels below the baseline for horizontal layout or to the right of baseline for vertical).
Note: Overall descent can be higher than font descent, if some glyphs are displaced from the baseline.
Direction shaped_text_get_direction(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns direction of the text.
Direction shaped_text_get_dominant_direction_in_range(shaped: RID, start: int, end: int) const ๐
Returns dominant direction of in the range of text.
int shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyph_count(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns number of glyphs in the ellipsis.
Array[Dictionary] shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyphs(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns array of the glyphs in the ellipsis.
int shaped_text_get_ellipsis_pos(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns position of the ellipsis.
int shaped_text_get_glyph_count(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns number of glyphs in the buffer.
Array[Dictionary] shaped_text_get_glyphs(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns an array of glyphs in the visual order.
Vector2 shaped_text_get_grapheme_bounds(shaped: RID, pos: int) const ๐
Returns composite character's bounds as offsets from the start of the line.
Direction shaped_text_get_inferred_direction(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns direction of the text, inferred by the BiDi algorithm.
PackedInt32Array shaped_text_get_line_breaks(shaped: RID, width: float, start: int = 0, break_flags: BitField[LineBreakFlag] = 3) const ๐
Breaks text to the lines and returns character ranges for each line.
PackedInt32Array shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv(shaped: RID, width: PackedFloat32Array, start: int = 0, once: bool = true, break_flags: BitField[LineBreakFlag] = 3) const ๐
Breaks text to the lines and columns. Returns character ranges for each segment.
int shaped_text_get_object_glyph(shaped: RID, key: Variant) const ๐
Returns the glyph index of the inline object.
Vector2i shaped_text_get_object_range(shaped: RID, key: Variant) const ๐
Returns the character range of the inline object.
Rect2 shaped_text_get_object_rect(shaped: RID, key: Variant) const ๐
Returns bounding rectangle of the inline object.
Array shaped_text_get_objects(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns array of inline objects.
Orientation shaped_text_get_orientation(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns text orientation.
RID shaped_text_get_parent(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns the parent buffer from which the substring originates.
bool shaped_text_get_preserve_control(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if text buffer is configured to display control characters.
bool shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if text buffer is configured to display hexadecimal codes in place of invalid characters.
Note: If set to false
, nothing is displayed in place of invalid characters.
Vector2i shaped_text_get_range(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns substring buffer character range in the parent buffer.
PackedVector2Array shaped_text_get_selection(shaped: RID, start: int, end: int) const ๐
Returns selection rectangles for the specified character range.
Vector2 shaped_text_get_size(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns size of the text.
int shaped_text_get_spacing(shaped: RID, spacing: SpacingType) const ๐
Returns extra spacing added between glyphs or lines in pixels.
int shaped_text_get_trim_pos(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns the position of the overrun trim.
float shaped_text_get_underline_position(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns pixel offset of the underline below the baseline.
float shaped_text_get_underline_thickness(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns thickness of the underline.
float shaped_text_get_width(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns width (for horizontal layout) or height (for vertical) of the text.
PackedInt32Array shaped_text_get_word_breaks(shaped: RID, grapheme_flags: BitField[GraphemeFlag] = 264, skip_grapheme_flags: BitField[GraphemeFlag] = 4) const ๐
Breaks text into words and returns array of character ranges. Use grapheme_flags
to set what characters are used for breaking (see GraphemeFlag).
bool shaped_text_has_visible_chars(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if text buffer contains any visible characters.
int shaped_text_hit_test_grapheme(shaped: RID, coords: float) const ๐
Returns grapheme index at the specified pixel offset at the baseline, or -1
if none is found.
int shaped_text_hit_test_position(shaped: RID, coords: float) const ๐
Returns caret character offset at the specified pixel offset at the baseline. This function always returns a valid position.
bool shaped_text_is_ready(shaped: RID) const ๐
Returns true
if buffer is successfully shaped.
int shaped_text_next_character_pos(shaped: RID, pos: int) const ๐
Returns composite character end position closest to the pos
int shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos(shaped: RID, pos: int) const ๐
Returns grapheme end position closest to the pos
void shaped_text_overrun_trim_to_width(shaped: RID, width: float = 0, overrun_trim_flags: BitField[TextOverrunFlag] = 0) ๐
Trims text if it exceeds the given width.
int shaped_text_prev_character_pos(shaped: RID, pos: int) const ๐
Returns composite character start position closest to the pos
int shaped_text_prev_grapheme_pos(shaped: RID, pos: int) const ๐
Returns grapheme start position closest to the pos
bool shaped_text_resize_object(shaped: RID, key: Variant, size: Vector2, inline_align: InlineAlignment = 5, baseline: float = 0.0) ๐
Sets new size and alignment of embedded object.
void shaped_text_set_bidi_override(shaped: RID, override: Array) ๐
Overrides BiDi for the structured text.
Override ranges should cover full source text without overlaps. BiDi algorithm will be used on each range separately.
void shaped_text_set_custom_ellipsis(shaped: RID, char: int) ๐
Sets ellipsis character used for text clipping.
void shaped_text_set_custom_punctuation(shaped: RID, punct: String) ๐
Sets custom punctuation character list, used for word breaking. If set to empty string, server defaults are used.
void shaped_text_set_direction(shaped: RID, direction: Direction = 0) ๐
Sets desired text direction. If set to DIRECTION_AUTO, direction will be detected based on the buffer contents and current locale.
Note: Direction is ignored if server does not support FEATURE_BIDI_LAYOUT feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
void shaped_text_set_orientation(shaped: RID, orientation: Orientation = 0) ๐
Sets desired text orientation.
Note: Orientation is ignored if server does not support FEATURE_VERTICAL_LAYOUT feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
void shaped_text_set_preserve_control(shaped: RID, enabled: bool) ๐
If set to true
text buffer will display control characters.
void shaped_text_set_preserve_invalid(shaped: RID, enabled: bool) ๐
If set to true
text buffer will display invalid characters as hexadecimal codes, otherwise nothing is displayed.
void shaped_text_set_spacing(shaped: RID, spacing: SpacingType, value: int) ๐
Sets extra spacing added between glyphs or lines in pixels.
bool shaped_text_shape(shaped: RID) ๐
Shapes buffer if it's not shaped. Returns true
if the string is shaped successfully.
Note: It is not necessary to call this function manually, buffer will be shaped automatically as soon as any of its output data is requested.
Array[Dictionary] shaped_text_sort_logical(shaped: RID) ๐
Returns text glyphs in the logical order.
RID shaped_text_substr(shaped: RID, start: int, length: int) const ๐
Returns text buffer for the substring of the text in the shaped
text buffer (including inline objects).
float shaped_text_tab_align(shaped: RID, tab_stops: PackedFloat32Array) ๐
Aligns shaped text to the given tab-stops.
bool spoof_check(string: String) const ๐
Returns true
if string
is likely to be an attempt at confusing the reader.
Note: Always returns false
if the server does not support the FEATURE_UNICODE_SECURITY feature.
PackedInt32Array string_get_character_breaks(string: String, language: String = "") const ๐
Returns array of the composite character boundaries.
var ts = TextServerManager.get_primary_interface()
print(ts.string_get_character_breaks("Test โค๏ธโ๐ฅ Test")) # Prints [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
PackedInt32Array string_get_word_breaks(string: String, language: String = "", chars_per_line: int = 0) const ๐
Returns an array of the word break boundaries. Elements in the returned array are the offsets of the start and end of words. Therefore the length of the array is always even.
When chars_per_line
is greater than zero, line break boundaries are returned instead.
var ts = TextServerManager.get_primary_interface()
print(ts.string_get_word_breaks("The Godot Engine, 4")) # Prints [0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19], which corresponds to the following substrings: "The", "Godot", "Engine", "4"
print(ts.string_get_word_breaks("The Godot Engine, 4", "en", 5)) # Prints [0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 15, 19], which corresponds to the following substrings: "The", "Godot", "Engin", "e, 4"
print(ts.string_get_word_breaks("The Godot Engine, 4", "en", 10)) # Prints [0, 9, 10, 19], which corresponds to the following substrings: "The Godot", "Engine, 4"
String string_to_lower(string: String, language: String = "") const ๐
Returns the string converted to lowercase.
Note: Casing is locale dependent and context sensitive if server support FEATURE_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_CASE_CONVERSION feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
Note: The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
String string_to_title(string: String, language: String = "") const ๐
Returns the string converted to title case.
Note: Casing is locale dependent and context sensitive if server support FEATURE_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_CASE_CONVERSION feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
Note: The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
String string_to_upper(string: String, language: String = "") const ๐
Returns the string converted to uppercase.
Note: Casing is locale dependent and context sensitive if server support FEATURE_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_CASE_CONVERSION feature (supported by TextServerAdvanced).
Note: The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
String strip_diacritics(string: String) const ๐
Strips diacritics from the string.
Note: The result may be longer or shorter than the original.
String tag_to_name(tag: int) const ๐
Converts OpenType tag to readable feature, variation, script, or language name.